life secrets and tips

Life Secrets And Tips

social skills, self-confidence, fashion sense, and aesthetic polish.
11. Take cold showers
Besides waking you up better than anything, cold showers have been proven to improve blood circulation, keep your skin and hair healthy (hot water dries them out) and boost the immune system. For the men, it also increases testosterone levels and is just plain manly.
12. Try to be rejected every day
Instead of fearing rejection, make it a daily goal, When you go in with the intention of being told no, the butterflies go away and it becomes easy. This is a fantastic way to pursue more opportunities while becoming unfazed by the big N O. Good applications include asking for phone numbers, job positions, partnerships and advice. Think of all the great things youve missed out on by not asking,
13. Rejoice in not knowing be proud of your ignorance of a topic
Knowing everything is overrated. Embrace the areas where you know you are ignorant. When you recognize that someone knows something you dont, use it as a learning opportunity rather than feeling dumb or pretending you know more than you do.
14. Recognize the golden glow of retrospect
When you look back at a difficult event in your life, it no longer holds the same oh no, my life is over that you experienced at the time. Even very painful events like deaths, breakups and accidents can be looked at in a positive light in the golden veil of retrospect. If you can assume this perspective in the future looking back, certainly you can apply some aspects of that mindset while going through an event. Learn from your future self looking back at present you,
15. Resist nothing
If you can master this one, you have mastered life. Resistance has many forms but there is a simple test to know if you are in resistance or not. Does this thought make you feel good or bad? You guessed it, if it makes you feel bad then it is a form of resistance. For example, you are driving on the freeway and you miss your exit. Instead of getting angry and wishing you had not missed it, accept your circumstance and laugh about it instead. Maybe you would have gotten in a horrible car crash had you gotten off in time. How lucky that you just narrowly escaped a fiery death, Plus, do you enjoy being frustrated with crappy circumstances?
16. Take naps
20 25 minutes is all you need to wake up refreshed without feeling groggy. Taking a quick nap in the evening is a great way to get a burst of motivation and energy for the rest of the night. This is also a great time to try out hypnagogic hallucination #4.
17. Transition to Internet TV
If youre still spending your leisure time in front of a TV, consider the new web based streaming options to traditional cable satellite. Services like Apple TV and Roku allow you to stream Netflix, Hulu and tons of other internet entertainment channels to your TV for a fraction of the price. Additionally because you actually have to go through and choose something to watch instead of mindlessly flipping through channels, youll have to think twice before zombie ing out to some reality show re runs.
18. Master what you do most often
For me that would be typing and navigating around my computer. So I downloaded a typing tutor program and got my words per minute up to 60 (woot,) and have memorized every keyboard shortcut there is. Take the time to become the best you can be at the small things you do most often. You will save yourself loads of time, plus its fun to be really good
19. Figure out the minimum income you need to be free
By free I mean able to do what you love without having to slave away at a job all day. I know we all would like the ultimate house with a BMW (M3 for me please,) but wouldnt you rather be from having to do a job you dont LOVE? If you agree with that, a great way to make it more feasible is to calculate exactly how much money you would need per month year to be free. Minimalism is the goal here (If youre having trouble not counting in that BMW, watch Fight Club and then have another go).
20. Be a source of good on your social network
Instead of further inflating these networks full of transient emotions and comments about Lady Gaga, tweet and share content that will bring help other people and spread happiness. Share motivational quotes, inspirational videos and anything else that will improve the lives of those come into contact with your feed.