

Narthex assa-foetida
Asafetida, devil’s dung.

Key Uses:
  • Digestive disorders
  • Nervous twitching
  • Sensation of a lump rising from the stomach

    Origin : Native to Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

    Background : In the 7th century BCE the Charaka Samhita, an Ayurvedic medicine book, advocated this foul-smelling plant for bloating and flatulence, for which it is still used in India and the Middle East.

    Preparation : Gum resin from the living roots is macerated in alcohol.

    Remedy Profile : People who respond best to this remedy tend to be in a rather nervous, hysterical, hypersensitive, and hypochondriac state. This nervous state extends to the physical symptoms, which generally focus on digestive disorders and on nervous twitching. The stomach may feel as if it is pushing upward so that everything will burst into the mouth, or there may be a sensation as if a lump in the stomach is rising upward into the throat.

    Symptoms Better : For open air; for movement; for pressure on the affected area; for scratching.

    Symptoms Worse : At night; for rest; for sitting; for touch.
  • 32. ASTACUS
    Astacus fluviatilis
    Freshwater crayfish, river crab.

    Key Uses:
  • Enlarged and inflamed glands, especially in children and the elderly
  • Inflammation in the liver area
  • Urticaria, particularly if the rash is accompanied by cramps and pain

    Origin : Found in the Gulf of Mexico and on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

    Background : The common name of this crustacean derives from the old French word crevice, perhaps because it lives in the crevices between stones.

    Preparation : The live crayfish is pounded and then steeped in alcohol.

    Remedy Profile : Astacus is best suited to people who feel unprotected and vulnerable during transitional phases in their lives. They are often taciturn loners who desire calmness and clarity, but tend to be vague and absent-minded, their heads feeling full of cotton balls.
    Astacus has a strong affinity with the liver, digestion, glands, and skin. It is well known as a remedy for urticaria (hives), particularly if the rash is accompanied by cramps and pain, or inflammation in the liver area that feels worse for pressure on it. There may be stinging pains in the temples, ears, and kidneys, and the glands may be enlarged and inflamed, especially in children and the elderly.

    Symptoms Better : For walking; for sitting; after crying.

    Symptoms Worse : For uncovering the affected area or exposing it to the air; for eating fish or meat.
    Asclepias tuberosa
    Pleurisy root, butterfly weed.

    Key Uses:
  • Catarrh
  • Respiratory inflammation, such as bronchitis, influenza, pleurisy, or other feverish conditions with a painful, dry, hacking cough
  • Rheumatic pain in the muscles and joints

    Origin : Native to the southern US.

    Background : Traditionally considered a cure- all in native American herbalism, pleurisy root was often used to treat fevers.

    Preparation : The fresh root is chopped and macerated in alcohol.

    Remedy Profile : Those for whom Asclepias tub. is most appropriate tend to be depressed, languid, and unable to concentrate.
    Asclepias tub. is associated particularly with rheumatic pain and catarrh, both tending to arise in damp weather. The rheumatic pain is characterized by stitchlike pains in the muscles and joints. The remedy may be prescribed for many forms of respiratory inflammation, such as bronchitis, influenza, pleurisy, or other feverish conditions with a painful, dry, hacking cough. The chest may feel warm with sharp pains, especially when breathing deeply. The above symptoms are often accompanied by copious perspiration, catarrh, and restless, uneasy sleep.

    Symptoms Better : For bending forward, which eases pain in the lungs.

    Symptoms Worse : For movement; for deep breathing; for lying down; in the morning; in winter.
  • 34. AURUM MUR
    Aurum chloratum
    Gold chloride.

    Key Uses:
  • Cancer
  • Fibroids
  • Edema, with a feeling of congestion in the liver, kidneys, and genitals
  • Heart conditions, such as palpitations and a sense of constriction in the chest

    Origin : Chemically prepared.

    Background : The glass traditionally made from this reddish yellow crystal was called “ruby glass” by alchemists. It was also noted as a treatment for syphilis by the 16th-century scientist Paracelsus.

    Preparation : The crystals are dissolved in alcohol, diluted, and succussed.

    Remedy Profile : Aurum mur. is best suited to those who are restless, easily depressed, sensitive to humiliation, and anxious about developing diseases. These feelings may be eased by company, but can spiral into suicidal thoughts if left unchecked. The remedy may be prescribed for heart conditions such as palpitations and a sense of constriction in the chest, possibly associated with high blood pressure. Aurum mur. is also used for edema (an irregular accumulation of fluid in the tissues or cavities of the body), with a feeling of congestion in the liver, kidneys, and genitals. Fibroids or cancer may also be helped.

    Symptoms Better : For cold weather; for bathing in cold water; for gentle movement.

    Symptoms Worse : For warmth; at night; for music.
  • 35. ASARUM
    Asarum europaeum
    Hazelwort, European snakeroot, wild nard, public house plant.

    Key Uses:
  • Alcoholism
  • Aversion to sexual intercourse
  • Digestive problems, possibly associated with anorexia
  • Nervous hypersensitivity and edgy, hysterical behavior
  • Severe insomnia

    Origin : Native to woods and shady sites in northern and eastern Europe.

    Background : Introduced medicinally by the ancient Greek physician Dioscorides, this plant was used chiefly as an emetic. Also a stimulant, it was once an ingredient of tobacconists’ “head-clearin’ snuff.”

    Preparation : The fresh, finely chopped underground parts are steeped in alcohol.

    Remedy Profile : People who respond best to Asarum are nervous, excitable, and oversensitive. They are usually weak, often feel chilly, and are unable to live robust, ordinary lives. Often they are overly ambitious and exhausted due to a stressful occupation. Asarum is also given to recovering alcoholics.
    The classic symptom picture for this remedy is of nervous hypersensitivity and edgy, hysterical behavior; even the sound of scratching on cloth becomes unbearable. Other symptoms commonly include nervous exhaustion, restlessness, hand-wringing, severe insomnia, and a sensation of floating and dizziness. Noise may trigger pain in the ears and teeth.
    Digestive problems with an aversion to eating, possibly associated with anorexia, may accompany this disturbed state. There is often alcoholism or a desire for alcohol, and an aversion to sexual intercourse.

    Symptoms Better : For damp weather; for bathing in cold water.

    Symptoms Worse : For cold, dry weather; for any noise or even the thought of noise; for penetrating sounds.
  • 36. ASTERIAS
    Asterias rubens
    Red starfish.

    Key Uses:
  • Circulatory disorders, such as strokes
  • Hard, swollen glands in the armpits
  • High libido in women, causing restless sleep, erotic dreams, bad temper, and weepiness
  • Left-sided symptoms, especially in women
  • Obstinate constipation, especially during menopause
  • Sharp breast pains at night

    Origin : Found around the coastline of western Europe.

    Background : Dating back to the earliest geological age, the Precambrian era, this species has amazing regenerative powers: if one of its five arms is lost, for instance, a new one is grown in its place.

    Preparation : The whole, live animal is chopped up and macerated in alcohol.

    Remedy Profile : Tearfulness is typical of those who respond best to Asterias, and they feel better after crying. They like to have people around them, yet prefer to retain a degree of independence. If contradicted they may become angry and irritable, especially in hot weather. Asterias is generally used in the treatment of left-sided symptoms that occur particularly in women, as well as for circulatory problems in both sexes. It also has the odd feature of apparently making old scars, particularly those in the breast area, become painful again.
    Asterias may benefit women who experience an increased sex drive so intense that it causes restless sleep, erotic dreams, a bad temper, and weepiness. Further symptoms that may respond to Asterias include obstinate constipation, particularly during menopause, hard, swollen glands in the armpits, or sharp pains in the breasts at night with a drawing sensation in the nipples, especially in the left breast. These symptoms may be accompanied by a high libido.
    The remedy is also used for circulatory disorders such as strokes, especially if they are preceded by great impatience, dizziness, and muscle spasms in the limbs.

    Symptoms Better : After a headache; after crying; for cold drinks.

    Symptoms Worse : For heat; for cold, damp weather; at night; on the left side of the body; for menstruating; for being contradicted; for coffee.
  • 37. AVENA
    Avena sativa

    Key Uses:
  • Chronic insomnia
  • Great weakness
  • Low libido
  • Male impotence, possibly linked with excessive sexual activity
  • Nervous exhaustion

    Origin : Native to northern Europe, but now grown worldwide in temperate areas.

    Background : Oats have a long history of medicinal use in Europe for a wide range of ailments. They are most often used in herbalism for general debility, eczema, and nervous conditions.

    Preparation : The fresh, green aerial parts in flower are expressed for their juice, which is mixed with alcohol.

    Remedy Profile : People for whom Avena is most appropriate are prone to mental and physical exhaustion accompanied by poor concentration. These people typically tend to be nervous or elderly. Alternatively, they may be feeling the effects of a drug or alcohol addiction.
    Nervous exhaustion, great weakness, and a tendency to suffer chronic insomnia are key symptoms associated with the remedy. There may be a very low libido or male impotence, possibly linked with excessive sexual activity. The tincture is often prescribed as herbal drops rather than homeopathic pills.

    Symptoms Better : For open air.

    Symptoms Worse : For convalescence.
    Bacillinum pulmo
    Tubercular lung tissue.

    Key Uses:
  • Respiratory problems, such as shortness of breath, hacking coughs, purulent mucus, asthma, and sharp pains in the heart area
  • Skin conditions, such as eczema, pimples, ringworm, alopecia areata, and a susceptibility to fungal skin infections
  • Tuberculosis and pneumonia

    Origin : Tissue from a lung infected with tuberculosis.

    Background : See information under Tuberculinum (see page 115).

    Preparation : Sterilized lung tissue is dissolved in purified water, diluted, and succussed.

    Remedy Profile : Melancholy and depression are typical in those who respond best to Bacillinum. They tend to be taciturn, irritable, and snappy, and often whine and complain. Generally, they feel weak and do not want to be disturbed. They often start one task before completing another, and may have a fear of dogs.
    The remedy has an affinity with the respiratory organs, and may be given constitutionally to those with a personal or family history of respiratory problems. It is typically prescribed for weak lungs, possibly involving shortness of breath, hacking coughs that disrupt sleep, purulent mucus, asthma, and sharp pain in the heart area that may be triggered by deep breathing.
    Bacillinum is also used for certain skin conditions, such as eczema on the eyelids, pimples that develop on the left cheek, ringworm on the scalp, alopecia areata (patchy loss of hair), and a susceptibility to fungal skin infections. Symptoms may occur independently or in conjunction with respiratory problems.

    Symptoms Better : In summer; for heat; for dry climates; for rest; for tight bandaging.

    Symptoms Worse : For cold air; in the early morning; at night.
  • 39. BADIAGA
    Spongilla fluviatilis syn. S. lacustris
    Freshwater sponge.

    Key Uses:
  • Hard, swollen glands in the neck and breast
  • Profuse mucus in the respiratory system, with copious catarrh, possibly due to influenza or hay fever
  • Sneezing brought on by coughing

    Origin : Found in Russia and Europe.

    Background : In Russia this sponge is powdered to make a traditional treatment that causes bruises to disappear overnight.

    Preparation : The fresh sponge is collected in fall, dried, and triturated with lactose sugar.

    Remedy Profile : People for whom Badiaga is best suited enjoy mental activity, and feel that their minds are always clear and active, even when ill. Excitement or pleasure may easily bring on palpitations. The body may feel sore to the touch, as if it has been beaten, which may cause restless sleep; frightening dreams may also disturb or disrupt sleep.
    Profuse mucus in the respiratory system, with copious catarrh that drips from the nose, possibly due to influenza or hay fever, may respond to Badiaga. Sneezing brought on by coughing may be helped, as may hard, swollen glands in the neck and breast, possibly linked to cancer.

    Symptoms Better : For heat; at night.

    Symptoms Worse : For cold; for stormy weather; for lying on the right side.
  • 40. BARYTA MUR
    Barium chloratum
    Barium chloride.

    Key Uses:
  • Acutely swollen glands
  • Mental disability in children with delayed development
  • Nervous system disorders, such as seizures
  • Retardation in elderly people
  • Severe eczema
  • Strokes

    Origin : Chemically prepared from barium carbonate and hydrochloric acid.

    Background : Barium chloride is mixed with sodium sulfate to form a white filler and pigment (blanc fixe) used in the manufacture of leather, rubber, cloth, and photographic paper.

    Preparation : The compound is dissolved in alcohol or triturated with lactose sugar.

    Remedy Profile : Baryta mur. has strong links with the nervous system. It is most appropriate for people with a predisposition to develop an aneurysm (ballooning of an artery).
    The remedy is generally used for nervous symptoms, which may develop into manic nervous states. It is best suited to adults who behave “childishly” and to children who cannot play or interact with others because of their dullness or delayed mental development. Baryta mur. may be prescribed for mental disability in children whose development is delayed, and for elderly people with retardation. Principal physical symptoms treated with this remedy include disorders of the nervous system such as seizures, perhaps occurring periodically, with stiffness, restlessness, and a loss of sensibility. The hands and feet may swell, and the limbs may feel paralyzed and heavy, with trembling and twitching.
    Baryta mur. is additionally used for acutely swollen glands, possibly the cervical or parotid glands, accompanied by a sore throat and possibly tonsillitis. Stroke symptoms or severe eczema may also respond to the remedy.

    Symptoms Better : None known.

    Symptoms Worse : For wet weather; in spring; in fall.