healthy foods that can make you fat

Healthy foods that can make you Fat

31. Cheese
Cheese is a good source of protein and calcium, but of course, its full of fat and calories. An ounce of cheddar, for example, contains 113 calories and 9 grams of fat (6 saturated).

Get it guilt free: Limit your portions, but don't reach for low-fat varieties. A small serving of full fat cheese is more satisfying (not to mention it tastes better). Your best bets: fresh feta or goat cheese. They contain a fatty acid that helps you feel full and burn more fat.
32. Ground turkey
We have been conditioned to believe that turkey is always healthier than beef, but thats not always the case. A quarter pound of regular ground turkey contains 3 grams of saturated fat, while a pound of sirloin has just 2.5. Thats because ground turkey often includes the fattier dark meat mixed in with the white.

Get it guilt free: Buy turkey thats at least 95% lean and made primarily from breast meat.
33. Omelet
Eggs are one of the best ways to start your day. Theyre loaded with protein and vitamin D, plus hard to get choline. However, an omelet can quickly turn from metabolism booster to waist-widener when you load it with cheese and fatty meats.

Get it guilt free: Fill your omelet with veggies instead, which adds fiber and nutrients in addition to big flavor. You could also try one of these high-protein breakfast recipes that feature eggs.
34. Ketchup
Ketchup has zero fat, is low in calories, and contains vitamins A and C from the tomatoes. The downside? A lot of ketchups flavor comes from added sugar and salt.

Get it guilt free: Think before you squirt that bottle: a serving size is just 1 tablespoon.
35. Whole milk
Milk really does do your body good: its packed with vitamins A and D, protein, and calcium. A cup of whole milk, however, sets you back nearly 150 calories and 8 grams of fat.

Get it guilt-free: You could switch to lowfat or nonfat milk and save up to 70 calories per cup, but some experts believe that the fat in whole milk makes it more satiating. Even nonfat milk contains 80 calories per cup, so no matter which you choose, mind your portions.
36. Burritos
Burritos may seem healthy, but the kind you get at a restaurant has more than just rice and beans, lettuce, tomatoes and salsa. A single flour tortilla at Chipotle is 300 calories, and that doesn't even include the cheese, guacamole, sour cream, and other fatty add-ons.

Get it guilt-free: Order your burrito in a bowl, and stick to the healthy stuff: black beans, brown rice, lean protein, and lots of veggies.
37. Soup
Its tempting to stock up on canned soup, since it makes for an easy, satisfying meal, packed with veggies. The bad news is that canned soups are typically high in salt, which can cause bloating and fluid retention; and made of highly processed ingredients.

Get it guilt free: Opt for low-fat and low sodium versions of canned soup. Plus, you can always use water to dilute any soup in order to cut down on the salt content.
38. Fruit
Can you really get too much of a good thing? When it comes to fruit, maybe. All fruits are full of vitamins, water, fiber, and antioxidants, but some naturally contain more sugar (and therefore calories) than others. Figs, mangoes, grapes, bananas, and cherries are among the sugariest fruits.

Get it guilt free: Chances are, fruit is NOT making you fat (read why here). Still, you can't eat unlimited quantities and then be surprised when the scale ticks upward. Most women should stick to two servings of fresh fruit a day
39. Applesauce
Apples are a superfruit packed with immunity boosting vitamin C and soluble fiber to help you feel full. They are the main ingredient in applesauce, but many of the jars you see on supermarket shelves are far from healthy. They are often loaded with added sugar to make them addictively sweet.

Get it guiltcfree: Look for the word unsweetened on the label or make your own so that you can control the sugar content.