fish aquarium

1. This fish comes from the Amazon basin which reaches a length of 5 inches and a height of 8 inches. The distinctive shape of the body and fins adds variety to the community aquarium. Living Environment : The tank should be deep enough for the Angelfish to swim comfortably with its fins extended. All flake and freeze-dried foods are eaten by Angelfish, but live or frozen foods should also be offered. Angelfish will consume very small fish if g .....
Black Molly
2. The Black Molly species is a hybrid, a cross between the Sailfin Molly and the Short-finned Molly. The Black Molly is all black in coloration with short fins. They may have patches of a slight gold or silver coloration when a juvenile, but will outgrow this with age. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-dried foods are accepted, but flake foods high in vegetable content are essential. The aquarium should be planted as densely as possible or .....
Black Neon Tetra
3. The Black Neon Tetra boasts is one of aquaria's most beautiful, peaceful and unusual coloration. It grows to 1.5 inches. All tetras feel more secure and are more likely to swim in the open in well-planted tanks. Living Environment : The Black Neon Tetra will accept many small foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia, freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, micro pellet food, and a high quality flake food. It can be kept with lot of plants and other t .....
Black Phantom Tetra
4. The Black Phantom Tetra grows to 2 inches. It is a hardy species that does well in both small and large groups. Their flat oval body is silvery gray with a distinctive splash of black edged in white just behind the gills. The fins of the male are edged in black, while females are more brightly colored and have red fins. The males will sometimes visually threaten each other by facing off and spreading out their fins. Living Environment : All flak .....
Black Ruby Barb
5. Adult males are darker than females, and at breeding time their red coloration is greatly enhanced. Sometimes when males are kept together in a group, they will keep their breeding colors, perhaps as a form of competition. Living Environment : The Black Ruby Barb grows to two inches and needs plenty of room to swim. It also likes to have plants at the back and sides of the tank to take shelter in. The Black Ruby Barb does well on all flake and f .....
Black Tetra
6. Growing to approximately 2 inches in length, the Black Tetra can be kept in small groups but looks best in a large shoal. Adults are not as black in coloration as younger fish and are more prone to act aggressively toward smaller tank mates. Living Environment : The Black Tetra eats all flake and freeze-dried foods. The natural habitat of the Black Tetra is calm South American waters with overhanging vegetation that blocks sunlight. It feeds ne .....
Bleeding Heart Tetra
7. The Bleeding Heart Tetra is a deep-bodied tetra that grows to 2 inches and must be kept in groups. They should be maintained only with other peaceful fish, including Angelfish. The Bleeding Heart Tetra's common name comes from the blood-red splotch on the fish's side just behind the gills.The males have an interesting dorsal fin; it's large and sharply swept back. These fish tend to be rather skittish, and you may see them swim frantically to and .....
Bloodfin Tetra
8. The Bloodfin Tetra is an excellent community species that grows to approximately 2 inches in length. Like most tetras, they are most comfortable in a group of six or more. The female is the larger of the species. Although normally quite docile, they become rather active during courtship, sometimes even leaping out of the water. Living Environment : In the wild, Bloodfin Tetras normally feed on tiny invertebrates found in surface waters. They wi .....
Bristlenose Catfish
9. A suckermouth catfish, the Bristlenose Catfish reaches a length of 5.5 inches. Male and female Bristlenose Catfish are easily distinguishable. The males have an elaborate array of branched and forked tentacles on the head and around the upper jaw. The females have tentacles, too, but they are arranged in a neat row around the mouth and are not nearly as prominent Living Environment : All commercial foods are accepted, but parboiled, sliced zucch .....
Bronze Catfish
10. Over a dozen species of corydoras aeneus are usually available in stores, but the Bronze Catfish is an excellent representative of that whole group. This small fish, growing to a length of 2.5 inches, is peaceful and active both at night and during the day. It is very social, and at least two or three should be kept together. Living Environment : The Bronze Catfish eats all flake and freeze-dried foods and is particularly fond of live or frozen .....
Cardinal Tetra
11. One of the most popular of all tropical fish, the Cardinal Tetra grows to about 1.5 inches and must be kept in shoals. Tank mates must be peaceful and not too large. With its colorless fins and deep red body split by a bold blue stripe, the Cardinal Tetra makes quite a sight in an aquarium. Dark gravel and background help to emphasize the colors of this fish, and it shows its colors best in relatively soft, acidic water. Living Environment : The .....
Cherry Barb
12. The beautiful Cherry Barb originates from Sri Lanka and attains the length of 2 inches. It is not as active as other barbs, often hiding among the plants. Living Environment : Feed flake and freeze-dried foods. The Cherry Barb tends to stay in the lower portion of the tank, whereas most other barbs prefer the middle and upper regions of the tank. Floating plants can be used to reduce the brightness.The tank should be aqua caped with dark gravel .....
Clown Loach
13. The beautiful Clown Loach grows to at least 5 inches and does best in groups. Numerous hiding places must be available. Hobbyists can find this fish at smaller, less-expensive sizes during certain times of the year. An attractive bottom dweller, the Clown Loach has the unusual habit of swimming with other species that display similar markings, such as Tiger Barbs. Living Environment : It takes flake and freeze-dried foods but will also devour an .....
Common Krib
14. The peaceful Common Krib is an African fish that grows to 3.5 inches. It is well-suited to a community tank as long as hiding places are provided. The Common Krib is sensitive to problems with water quality and does best when the water is changed frequently. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-dried foods are consumed. Females are smaller and chunkier than males, and they have shorter dorsal and anal fins. .....
Coolie Loach
15. The Coolie Loach grows to 3 inches and does best when kept in a group. This bottom-dwelling fish does not do very well with active tank mates that also tend to spend their time at the bottom of the tank. It hides during the day, burying itself in gravel or finding shelter among plants, and comes out after the lights are turned off. Living Environment : It takes all flake and freeze-dried foods but should be fed only after the lights are off so t .....
Diamond Tetra
16. A somewhat larger tetra, the Diamond Tetra reaches 2.5 inches and exhibits intense coloration when kept in a darkly aqua caped tank. The Diamond Tetra has violet-hued scales with a fine scattering of green and gold that creates a pleasant sparkling effect. Living Environment : Flake and freeze-dried foods supplemented with live brine shrimp fulfil its dietary needs. It should also have adequate swimming room in the tank. .....
Dwarf Gourami
17. The Dwarf Gourami grows to 2 inches and is well-suited to a community tank inhabited by other small, calm fish. This peaceful Indian species is available in several different color varieties. Its colors are most intense in a tank with bright lighting but dark aquascaping and lots of plants. Living Environment : The Dwarf Gourami eats all flake and freeze-dried foods. Vegetable flake foods and occasional feedings of live brine shrimp should be in .....
Dwarf Pencilfish
18. The Dwarf Pencilfish, which grows to 1 inch, can be kept in a shoal even in a small aquarium. This small South American fish has a striking color pattern, with a bold red stripe on the side and red splotches on the fins. Living Environment : A slow-moving species, it is easily intimidated by more active tank mates and may not always get its share of food. Small flake and freeze-dried foods should be provided with supplements of live brine shrimp .....
Dwarf Rainbowfish
19. The hardy Dwarf Rainbowfish grows to 3 inches in length. The Dwarf Rainbowfish comes from northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. The yellow-green color on its flank is broken by seven brown dotted horizontal lines, and there is an unmistakable red splotch on the gills. Courting males temporarily display an intense bright yellow stripe on the forehead. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-dried foods are eaten. It is a schooling fish tha .....
Dwarf Sucking Catfish
20. The Dwarf Sucking Catfish is a small suckermouth catfish, growing to 1.5 inches. It is active during the day if there are hiding places among the plants. This species does the job well without disturbing plants, it's small and inconspicuous, and it doesn't disturb its tank mates Living Environment : Although the Dwarf Sucking Catfish does consume algae on the plant leaves and tank glass, this fish also needs to have flake foods with a high veget .....
Egyptian Mouthbrooder
21. The Egyptian Mouthbrooder, which originates from the Nile River, will grow to 2.5 inches in length and is well suited for most community tanks. This small cichlid is very peaceful as long as its companions are too large for it to swallow. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-dried foods are eaten. .....
Firemouth Cichlid
22. The Firemouth Cichlid grows to 5 inches. This relatively peaceful species should not be kept with very small fish but otherwise is suitable for most community tanks. It can be somewhat territorial but poses no real threat to any good-sized tank mates. The fish has a brilliant red underside, a smoky gray upper body, and dark splotches scattered along its flanks. Living Environment : The Firemouth Cichlid can be fed all flake and freeze-dried food .....
Glowlight Tetra
23. A schooling fish, the Glowlight Tetra grows to about 2 inches and can be kept with other fish of similar size and temperament. The Glowlight Tetra's common name comes from the obvious iridescent red stripe down the fish's side. The stripe also has a faint golden shadow along the top, which stands out in good light Males are a bit slimmer than females, but the difference is slight and doesn't really serve as a useful way to distinguish between the .....
Golden Barb
24. The Golden Barb grows to 2.5 inches and should be kept in a shoal. This particular barb is unique in that its origin is unknown. It may actually be a color variation of the Chinese Barb and not a separate species at all, which is why the species name appears in quotation marks. Living Environment : This fish needs a large open area for swimming surrounded by plants. .....
25. Males of the bred species can reach 1.5 inches, and females typically grow to about 2.5 inches. One of the most popular aquarium fish, the guppy is a live-bearer, meaning it does not lay eggs but produces live offspring. Although the wild form is occasionally seen in stores, most are selectively bred forms chosen for their color pattern or finnage. Living Environment : Unlike the hardy wild specimens, aquarium strains are sensitive to water qua .....
Harlequin Rasbora
26. The quiet Harlequin Rasbora grows to 1.5 inches and is best kept in small groups. The Harlequin Rasbora is a muddled orange and pink with a prominent blue-black wedge that starts midbody and tapers back to the tail. The coloring is usually more pronounced in the males. A small, timid fish, it should not be kept with more active or aggressive species. Living Environment : Flake and freeze-dried foods will provide a sufficient diet. Dark aqua capp .....
Head and Tail Light Tetra
27. The Head and Tail Light Tetra grows to about 2 inches in length and does best in shoals. Colors are more intense with dark gravel and background. Females are just a bit larger than males and have a fuller, deeper underbelly. These fish are also sometimes referred to as Beaconfish. Living Environment : The Head and Tail Light Tetra does fine on flake and freeze-dried foods, but it benefits from the occasional feeding of live brine shrimp, as do a .....
Keyhole Cichlid
28. The Keyhole Cichlid grows to four inches and should be kept only with other peaceful fish. These very gentle, almost timid, cichlids have an irregular blotch on the side that resembles a keyhole, and they sometimes change color when startled. Living Environment : The Keyhole Cichlid will eat all flake and freeze-dried foods and should have an occasional feeding of live brine shrimp. The tank should contain plants and driftwood to provide securi .....
Kissing Gourami
29. Although the Kissing Gourami can grow to 12 inches, in most tanks it only reaches about half that at the most. The "kissing" done by these fish is not a sign of affection; the behaviour is used to settle minor disputes. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-dried foods are eaten, but a substantial amount of the Kissing Gourami's diet should include vegetable flakes or, especially for larger fish, vegetable pellets and blanched zucchini. .....
Madagascan Rainbowfish
30. The Madagascan Rainbowfish grows to 3.5 inches and should be kept in a tank with ample swimming space. This active, hardy shoaling fish spends almost all of its time near the surface; it's a good choice for filling the upper levels of the aquarium. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-dried foods can be used, but live brine shrimp should also be in its regular diet. It likes to jump, too, so a secure lid is necessary. .....
Marbled Hatchetfish
31. Of a distinctly different shape, the Marbled Hatchetfish grows to 1.5 inches. They occupy the upper area of the tank and can easily jump from uncovered aquariums. Like all hatchetfish, they should be kept in a group with quiet, placid tank mates. Living Environment : They will also appreciate tall plants with broad trailing leaves where they can find some shade. .....
Neon Tetra
32. Neon Tetras are very similar to Cardinal Tetras but have been available to hobbyists for a good while longer. Perhaps the most popular of all aquarium fish, Neon Tetras grow to a little over an inch in length. Living Environment : They should be kept in shoals with other small, peaceful species, and they take all flake and freeze-dried foods. As with the Cardinal Tetra, a dark tank with subdued lighting enhances the colors of these fish. .....
Orange Chromide
33. A member of the large, popular cichlid family, the Orange Chromide grows to about 3 inches and fits comfortably in most community tanks. Although a hardy species overall, very small individuals are sometimes susceptible to fungus in pure fresh water. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-dried foods are accepted, but Orange Chromide will nibble on live plants if they don't get fresh vegetable food regularly. Adding a teaspoon of salt for ea .....
Paradise Fish
34. The Paradise Fish was the first tropical aquarium fish imported into Europe about 150 years ago. This fish grows to 4 inches and should not be kept with any small species. Like bettas and gouramis, it is able to take air directly at the surface of the water because of a respiratory organ known as a labyrinth. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-dried foods are consumed, but an occasional feeding of blackworms should also be offered. .....
Pearl Gourami
35. The Pearl Gourami grows to 4 inches. Its deep body is heavily peppered with shimmering silver spots that extend into the fins. This beautiful, peaceful fish does best when kept in pairs a male and a female. The Pearl Gourami should not be kept with aggressive tank mates. Living Environment : A variety of flake foods with high vegetable content and freeze-dried foods should be offered. The tank should be spacious, with lots of plants and subdued .....
Penguin Fish
36. The Penguin Fish grows to 2 inches and does well with other fish that are small and peaceful. The female tends to be larger and has a fuller body. Living Environment : This species will not do well if the water quality begins to deteriorate. The Penguin Fish eats all flake and freeze-dried foods. This South American species inhabits several river systems of Brazil. .....
Pictus Cat
37. Able to grow to 6 inches in length, the Pictus Cat should be kept in a tank with subdued lighting and several hiding places in the aqua capping. An active species, this fish can be kept alone but makes a nice display in a small group. Living Environment : The Pictus Cat will eat pellet, tablet, flake, and freeze-dried foods, but it should be fed at night. This catfish will chase and eat almost any fish that are small enough to swallow, so it's .....
38. The Platy is a popular beginner fish, since it is relatively sturdy, easy to care for and also easy to spawn in captivity. A popular, hardy species, the Platy grows to 2 inches and is available in a wide variety of colors. As with all live-bearers, they will breed freely in a community tank, but the young are almost always eaten by tank mates. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-dried foods are eaten, but flake foods high in vegetable co .....
Red Rainbowfish
39. The Red Rainbowfish reaches a length of six inches and does best in groups. This deep-bodied species requires a large tank with both swimming space and planted areas. The Red Rainbowfish hails from Papua New Guinea. Females are a soft, pale golden color, while the males are a fiery red. As with the Dwarf Rainbowfish, males show a bright yellow blaze on the forehead during courting. Living Environment : Although it will accept flake and freeze-dr .....
Red Eye Tetra
40. The Red-Eye Tetra is one of the larger tetras, growing to 2.5 inches. It is an undemanding species as long as the water quality is good and there is room for a group to swim actively in the tank. The Red-Eye Tetra is a fin-nipper, though; keep it with short-finned companions that are the same size or a bit larger. Living Environment : Flake and freeze-dried foods are fine, although an occasional feeding of live brine shrimp is recommended. .....
Red Humped Eartheater
41. The Red-Humped Eartheater can grow to 6 inches in a sufficiently large tank. This South American cichlid has a fierce appearance but is actually a rather peaceful species that can be kept in a community tank with other moderate-size fish. In the wild, it will root through muddy river bottoms looking for food. In the aquarium, it will root through the gravel, making it difficult to maintain live plants and impractical to use an under-gravel filter .....
Rosy Barb
42. Like most barbs, the Rosy Barb is an active swimmer. This hardy, peaceful species grows to 2.5 inches and should have a spacious tank. Males have decidedly darker fins than the females, and when they're ready to breed the males take on a deep pink hue. A long-finned variety of the Rosy Barb is also available. Living Environment : The Rosy Barb will take flake and freeze-dried foods and should receive additional vegetable flake food as well. .....
Red Tailed Shark
43. The Red-Tailed Shark is not really a shark, despite its triangular dorsal fin and its common name. It grows to a length of 5 inches and is not particularly fond of its own kind. Either just one or a group of at least 4 or 5 should be kept in a tank. Living Environment : It does well on flake and freeze-dried foods. The Red-Tailed Shark is among the more attractive bottom dwellers, but its color will fade in poor-quality water. It is best to pro .....
Scissortail Rasbora
44. Scissortail Rasboras are a larger species that will reach 3 inches and do well when kept in a school of six or eight. The coloring of this species is rather bland, but they're worth keeping for their behaviour and size. As large, active swimmers, they are an obvious presence in the tank. Their habit of repeatedly flicking their sharply forked tail fins adds interest and accounts for their common name. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-d .....
Siamese Fighting Fish
45. The Siamese Fighting Fish has been bred for its incredible variety of colors and long, flowing finnage. They are a colorful and attractive addition to any tank, but problems can arise in keeping them. Males are highly aggressive with each other and can't be kept in the same tank. Siamese Fighting Fish are also quite aggressive toward females most of the time. Although a single male can be kept in a small community aquarium, it will likely be hara .....
Spotted Pleco
46. The Spotted Pleco grows to 12 inches and requires hiding places. The Spotted Pleco is just one of many suckermouth catfish that will remove algae from flat surfaces in the tank. Some hobbyists find this species to be a nuisance, though, because of the way they rearrange aquascaping. Their bulk and careless swimming habits can uproot plants and overturn stones. Living Environment : These fish should have substantial amounts of vegetable material .....
Striped Raphael Catfish
47. The Striped Raphael Catfish will grow to eight inches and should be kept in a tank with larger community fish. They are active at night, hiding during the day. When the tank light is turned off and a night light in the room is on, these active fish can be observed along with any other catfish in the tank. Living Environment : All flake and freeze-dried foods are taken, although larger specimens will benefit from pellet foods. .....
Stripe Tailed Catfish
48. The Stripe-Tailed Catfish grows to 4.5 inches. Subdued tank lighting and numerous hiding places in the tank are needed for this species, which becomes active at night. Living Environment : This peaceful, schooling fish will consume all flake and freeze-dried foods, but it should receive live brine shrimp as well. A hefty little catfish, the Stripe-Tailed Catfish comes from South America's Amazon River. It has not yet bred in captivity, so aquari .....
49. The Swordtail grows to 3.5 inches and appears in a variety of color patterns. This live-bearer is hardy as long as excellent water quality and frequent partial water changes are provided. It is an accomplished jumper, so a full aquarium hood with close-fitting openings for the filter and heater should be used. Males can become aggressive toward each other, so a tank should hold only one. Living Environment : It will eat all flake and freeze-drie .....
Three Spot Gourami
50. Also known as the Blue Gourami, the Three-Spot Gourami can reach four inches and is very peaceful. There is a great deal of color and pattern variation within this species; some have even lost the spots that inspired its common name. It is perfect for beginners and does well in community tanks even when small fish are present. Living Environment : The Three-Spot Gourami consumes all flake and freeze-dried foods. .....
Chourishi Systems