benefits of tomatoes

Benefits of Tomatoes

61. Vitamins and Nutritional Content
It provides almost 20 percent of the daily vitamin intake required, per serving, which is necessary for maintaining good health. It is also known to have all the positive nutrients needed for proper functioning of the human body according to USDA. Fresh tomato is very rich in potassium. 100 g contain 237 mg of potassium and just 5 mg of sodium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure caused by sodium.
62. Controls Heart Rate
Being rich in potassium content, it gives about 237 mg of potassium which is useful for controlling heart rate and is helpful in preventing heart diseases and strokes. Further, they carry average levels of vital B complex vitamins such as folates, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin as well some essential minerals like iron, calcium, manganese and other trace elements.
63. Prevents Eye Diseases
The vitamins such as vitamin A, flavonoid B complex, thiamine, folates, niacin etc. are also present in tomatoes that help cure skin and eye diseases. Fresh ripe tomatoes feature beautiful bright red color and have a rich fruity flavor. In the markets, buy fresh, firm, uniform sized fruits. Avoid those with wrinkle surface, discolored spots, cuts and too soft and mushy.
64. Rich in Calcium
Being rich in Calcium, it tends to improve bone strength and bone formation in the body. It is also beneficial in maintaining the teeth in healthy state. Unripe, green tomatoes are used in many similar ways like other raw vegetables to prepare in curries, stews and to make chutney in some of the Indian subcontinent states.
65. Protects from Free Radicals
Some of its flavonoid antioxidants, such as lycopene and zea xanthin are best known to health specialists for their anti free radical behaviour. Fresh tomato juices as well as its soups are increasingly becoming popular health drinks all across the world. Organic varieties hold three times more lycopene than non organic.
66. Anti Cancerous
The antioxidant behaviour of this vegetable also helps to prevent many unwanted reactions in the lungs, colon and breasts that can tend to be cancerous. The antioxidants help in the treatment of cancer by preventing carcinogenic reactions in the body which stop by blocking free radicals from proceeding further.
67. Cell Repair and Muscle Building
It is a naturally rich source of protein, which is good for cell repair and muscle building. Raw ones have extra acidic taste, but when mixed with other ingredients while cooking gives wonderful flavor and rich taste. In general, allergic reactions to tomatoes are quite rare. However, it may sometimes occur in sensitive individuals with symptoms like itching skin and eyes, runny nose, and gastrointestinal disturbances like stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
68. Less Fat content
Other basic nutrients include 4 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein, 18 calories and 0 grams of saturated fat. This vegetable can be eaten in good amounts due to the lower rate of calories in tomato. They are used extensively in cooking especially in Mediterranean, Greek, Italian, Southeast Asian, and East European cuisine.
69. Treats Open Pores
Add four drops of tomato juice to 1 tablespoon of water and apply it on your face with the help of a cotton ball. Gently massage your skin with this mixture and leave it on for 15 minutes. Regular application of this will shrink the pore size. You can also stew tomatoes to prepare tomato soup, sauce, and other baked dishes. Homemade tomato sauce is way better than those available in the market.
70. Glowing Skin
Tomatoes are not just an important part of a healthy diet but also work wonders when applied topically on the skin. Applying tomato juice or rubbing tomato halves on the skin evens out the skin and revives the glow giving you a healthy looking skin. It contains high amount of Vitamin C which is known to brighten skin.