benefits of star anise

Benefits of Star Anise

41. Chinese Five Spice Powder
A good ground star anise substitute for such meat dishes with a gravy base is Chinese five spice powder. Chinese five spice powder is made by mixing five spices; and they are szechuan peppercorn powder cinnamon powder ground star anise ground cloves and ground fennel seeds in a definite proportion. As the Chinese five spice powder already contains ground star anise as one of its ingredients it makes a very good substitute for star anise.
42. Antiflu drug
Star anise is the industrial source of shikimic acid a primary ingredient used to create the antiflu drug Tamiflu (Goodman 2005). Tamiflu is regarded as the most promising drug to mitigate the severity of the bird flu H5N1 strain of virus. Currently Tamiflu is the only drug available which may reduce the severity of bird flu (also known as avian flu).
43. Medicinal and Pharmacological properties
Star anise essential oil I. verum is often used as a substitute for anise seed oil in perfumery because it shares similar chemistry. It is used in aromatherapy to help relieve coughing colic cramping hiccups and indigestion. It should be used in moderation to avoid skin irritation.
44. Chemistry
Chinese star anise is an evergreen bush of the magnolia order grown in Vietnam and southern China. The ripe strongly anisesmelling fruits open up in a star.
45. Respiratory Health
Anise essential oil may help loosen mucus and speed healing in bronchial infections and its muscle relaxing effects make it useful for relieving coughs according to CoxHealth. In the digestive system anise relaxes muscles that line the intestinal tract and helps relieve indigestion.
46. Health Benefits of Anise Essential Oil
Anti epileptic & Anti hysteric: Since anise essential oil has a narcotic and sedative effect it can calm down epileptic and hysteric attacks by slowing down circulation respiration and nervous response if administered in higher dosages. This is contrary to its stimulating and cordial properties which are shown when administered in lower dosages. It is found effective in sedating nervous afflictions hyper reactions and convulsions as well.
47. Antirheumatic
This oil can give relief from rheumatic and arthritic pains by stimulating blood circulation and by reducing the sensation of pain in the affected areas.
48. Antiseptic
This essential oil also has antiseptic properties and give wounds an effective protective layer against infections and sepsis. This aids in the faster healing of wounds.
49. Antispasmodic
Situations or ailments caused by spasms are cramps coughs aches diarrhea nervous afflictions and convulsions. Spasms are an excessive contraction of the respiratory tracts muscles nerves blood vessels and internal organs that result in severe coughs cramps convulsions obstructed blood circulations aches in the stomach and chest and other symptoms. The essential oil of anise being a relaxant and an anti spasmodic by nature relax these contractions and give relief from the ailments mentioned above.
50. Aperient
This oil has mild purgative properties but is safe to use. Unlike other synthetic or harsh purgatives it is not hard on the stomach and liver and does not leave you exhausted and fatigued. When taken in low dosages it helps clear motions and cures constipation resultant flatulence and indigestion.