benefits of ginger

Ginger is an herb
1. Ginger is an herb that is used as a spice and also for its therapeutic qualities. Ginger is part of the Zingiberaceae family, as are cardamom, turmeric and galangal. .....
Healing benefits of Ginger
2. Ayurveda gives ginger the status of a virtual medicine chest. That?s because this wonder spice has time-tested, digestion-friendly properties, in addition to its numerous other health benefits. .....
Side Effects
3. side effects of ginger intake are rare but may include heartburn, irritation of the mouth and diarrhea. It also recommends that pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding and people who are on diabetes, blood pressure or blood-thinning medications consult their doctors before using ginger capsules. .....
Ginger is a flexible ingredient
4. Ginger is grown as a root and is a flexible ingredient that can be consumed in drinks (tea , beer, ale) or in cooking. .....
Maintains Normal Blood Circulation
5. Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc which can help to improve blood flow, as well as help prevent chills, fever, and excessive sweat. .....
Remedies Motion Sickness
6. Ginger is a known effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness. .....
Improves absorption
7. Ginger improves the absorption and stimulation of essential nutrients in the body. .....
Cold and Flu Prevention
8. Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a natural treatment for colds and flu around Asia. .....
Combats Stomach Discomfort
9. Ginger is ideal in assisting digestion, thereby improving food absorption and avoiding possible stomach ache. .....
Colon Cancer Prevention
10. A study at the University of Minnesota found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells. .....
Reduce Pain and Inflammation
11. Ginger contains some of the most potent anti-inflammatory fighting substances known and is a natural powerful painkiller. .....
Ovarian Cancer Treatment
12. Ginger powder induces cell death in ovarian cancer cells. .....
Ginger Strengthens Immunity
13. Ginger helps improve the immune system. It also?decreases bacterial infections in the stomach, and helps battle a bad cough and throat irritation. .....
Combats Morning Sickness
14. Ginger has demonstrated a success rate of 75 percent in curing morning sickness and stomach flu. .....
Ginger helps digestion
15. Ginger is meant to aide the digestion of fatty foods as well as helping to break down proteins and has also been linked to reducing gas. .....
Ginger has been linked with many health benefits
16. Ginger has been touted as relieving nausea, especially for motion sickness and has been recommended for morning sickness. Its also meant to reduce inflammation and improve circulation. Its also been linked with reducing cholesterol and relaxing blood vessels. .....
Fresh is best
17. you can use dried powdered ginger or even pickled ginger in cooking, you find that the flavour of fresh ginger is the best. .....
Ginger should not be wrinkly or dark
18. When shopping for ginger, choose fresh-looking, firm, crisp stems and keep away from the dark, shriveled ones. .....
Ginger makes an excellent tea
19. It makes a wonderful after dinner treat when you feel like something sweet but dont have space for dessert. Just slice off a few rounds of fresh ginger stem and pop them in the bottom of a mug or glass. Top with boiling water and allow to steep for 5 minutes or so. Serve with honey to taste. .....
Ginger root nutrition facts
20. Ginger root is a popular root herb of culinary as well as medicinal importance. The root still finds a special place in many traditional Indian and Chinese medicines for its unique phyto-chemicals that are known to have disease preventing and health promoting properties. .....
Health benefits of ginger root
21. This herb root only has 80 calories per 100 g and contains no cholesterol. Nonetheless, it composes many essential nutrients and vitamins such as pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5) that are required for optimum health. .....
Medicinal uses
22. Gingerols increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and have analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. .....
Ginger might reduce blood pressure
23. Ginger might reduce blood pressure in a way that is similar to some medications for blood pressure and heart disease. Taking ginger along with these medications might cause your blood pressure to drop too low or cause an irregular heartbeat. .....
Ginger might decrease blood sugar
24. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking ginger along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. .....
Pregnancy Related Nausea and Vomiting
25. Human studies suggest that 1g daily of ginger may reduce nausea and vomiting in pregnant women when used for short periods (no longer than 4 days). .....
Cognition Enhancer
26. Ginger is also a brain tonic. A study published in the December 2011 issue of "Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine" studied the cognition-enhancing effects of ginger. .....
Pain Relief
27. ginger has warming properties, it is traditionally used to enhance circulation and lessen pain. Modern medicine has shown that ginger may be beneficial for various types of pain, and the effects may be comparable to popular pain medications. .....
Tummy Soother
28. Ginger is a well-known remedy for nausea and vomiting. .....
Fresh ginger
29. Fresh ginger is used for asthma, coughs, colic, heart palpitations, swellings, dyspepsia, loss of appetite and rheumatism, while the dried root is used to "strengthen" the stomach, inhibit vomiting and treat diarrhoea. .....
absorption and assimilation
30. Ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body. .....
31. Ginger helps reduce flatulence! .....
Joint pain
32. Ginger, with its anti-inflammatory properties can bring relief. Float some ginger essential oil in your bath to help aching muscles and joints. .....
Get rid of throat and nose congestion
33. Stir up some ginger tea to get rid of throat and nose congestion. And when there .....
Ginger and Herb Rice
34. Cook basmati rice. When you take the lid off the pan, quickly stir in finely chopped garlic, ginger, green chilies and fresh cilantro leaves the burst of flavor and fragrance will drive your senses crazy with desire! .....
Ginger In Your Juice
35. Some ginger root and put it in your juicer, along with carrots and apples and a little lemon juice .....
Gingery Dessert
36. Even a smidgen of grated ginger on your vanilla panna cotta or strawberry sorbet can wake up the flavor! .....
Ginger is an Antioxidant
37. Garlic is rich in antioxidants, which help destroy free radicals. .....
Ginger Is An Antibiotic
38. The allicin in garlic is also a powerful antibiotic, which fights infection and bacteria. .....
GingerIs An Aphrodisiac
39. Garlic has the ability to increase and improve circulation?and it is thought that it can stir up passions! .....
Ginger Reduces Cholesterol
40. There are many additional studies confirming that garlic in several forms can reduce cholesterol. .....
Ginger in Various health problems
41. Ginger has anti-oxidant, anti inflammatory, antiseptic,anti viral properties.It also reduces cholesterol, prevents blood clotting, promotes blood thinning. .....
42. People suffering from?back ache?and?head ache?can eat small ginger piece fried in spoonful of ghee every night before sleeping for 20 days.It relieves from the pain. .....
Reduces ear pain
43. Pouring 2 or 3 drops of warm ginger juice in ear, reduces?ear pain. .....
44. To get relief from?migraine, mix ginger juice and pinch of saffron.Now pour 3 or 4 drops of this mixture in the nostril on side of pain. .....
Acidity and Flatulence
45. To get relief from?acidity?and?flatulence, shallow fry ginger pieces and cumin seeds in ghee and eat in the morning on empty stomach. .....
menstrual problems
46. Dried ginger and dried dates helps in curing?menstrual problems?in women. .....
Nausea caused by chemotherapy
47. Ginger supplements administered alongside anti-vomiting medications can reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea symptoms by 40%. .....
Liver damage caused by acetaminophen
48. Scientists at the National Research Centre in Egypt wanted to determine whether ginger pretreatment might reduce the incidence of acetaminophen-induced liver damage in rats. .....
Relieves Tired Muscles
49. The sort of muscle tiredness you get after strength training is the type that ginger works best on. .....
Helps Manage Glucose Levels
50. ginger can help keep blood glucose levels in check. This is important because these levels have a direct impact on weight loss and weight gain, as well as how energetic or lethargic you feel throughout the day. .....
Helps the Body Absorb Nutrients
51. More ginger means that you ll be better absorbing the sort of nutrients that will help you in your pursuit and get you better results more quickly with the same amount of effort. .....
Blocks Acid from Heartburn
52. you should consider using ginger as a way to get around it. The excess acid that leads to the condition can be undone by the properties of ginger. The nice thing is that ginger is far more economical than an over the counter drug or a prescription drug on most health plans.? .....
Clears Sinuses
53. here is an active ingredient in ginger that has shown to work wonders on the sinuses, helping to unclog them and facilitate drainage.? .....
Improves Your Breath
54. ginger can actually help to improve the status of your breath. Eaten towards the end of your meal it can cleanse the palate and leave your mouth feeling refreshed. .....
Strengthens Immunity
55. An improved immune system can mean that you get sick less often, that you recover more quickly when you do get sick, and that even if everyone else around you is coming down with an illness you can stay healthy. .....
Protects Against Nuclear Radiation
56. If you want to get the full benefits of this feature youll have to have a daily dose of ginger so its in your system, and stays there. .....
Home Remedies using Ginger
57. Ginger has many uses in the home remedies department and can be used to help arthritis, diarrhea, flu, headache, heart and menstrual problems, diabetes, stomach upset and motion sickness. .....
Growing Ginger at Home
58. Ginger is cultivated all year round and can be cultivated approximately 3 -5 months after it was planted. Ginger is very easy to grow and can be grown indoors or outside in pots filled with potting mix, allow enough room in the pots, about 10 to 12 inches deep, for the actual ginger roots to form. .....
strong and spicy aroma
59. Ginger, with its strong and spicy aroma, has its own place in Indian cuisine. It may be used fresh or dried, powdered or pickled or in the form of juice or oil. .....
used for the treatment
60. For thousands of years, ginger has been used for the treatment of innumerable ailments due to its powerful therapeutic and preventive effects. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic,antioxidant, and anti-emetic properties. .....
Respiratory problems
61. Gingers antihistamine property helps in treating allergies. It is also known to inhibit airway contraction and help stimulate the secretion of mucus. It is the herb of choice for persistent cough and sore throat associated with colds. .....
Treating nausea and vomiting
62. Chewing on ginger could reduce?nausea and vomiting. According to studies, ginger can treat sensations of nausea following surgery, and due to motion sickness, seasickness, etc.? .....
Remedy for loss of appetite
63. Fuel a dull appetite by eating fresh ginger just before you have your meal. Ginger can get your digestive juices going and increase your appetite. .....
Aiding in digestion
64. Ginger improves absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients and aids in digestion. It also helps break down the proteins in your food. .....
Ginger is Anti flatulence
65. Calm in your upset stomach with ginger. Its carminative (gas expulsion) property provides relief from bloating and gas and helps reduce flatulence. .....
Reduce menstrual pain
66. Ginger, when taken at the beginning of the menstrual period, can reduce symptoms of menstrual pain in some women. Here are some?tried and tested tips to relieve menstrual pain. .....
Relieve headache
67. Applying diluted ginger paste on the forehead is believed to relieve migraine headache. The ability of ginger to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis helps relieve pain and inflammation in blood vessels thereby providing relief from .....
68. The analgesic and anti inflammatory property of ginger may help reduce joint pain of?arthritisin some people. To help relieve muscle and joint ache, add some ginger oil into your bath. .....
69. Ginger root contains a very high level of antioxidants. Ginger has the ability to induce cell death (apoptosis) and suppress certain protein.ginger may be a powerful weapon against cancers. .....
Nausea and motion sickness
70. Ginger is well known for its ability to ease nausea, and its helpful for motion and sea sickness. .....
A dose of ginger
71. Ginger is susceptible to heat and oxygen, so handle carefully when using this herb and store in a cool, dry place or the crisper bin of the refrigerator for two to three weeks. .....
capsules or powder
72. Ginger may also?lower blood sugar?and interact with blood pressure altering medications, so speak with your physician prior to using ginger if you take any medications. .....
Clears Blemishes and Acne
73. Being a powerful antiseptic and cleansing agent, ginger helps to keep the skin clean, smooth and free of blemishes. .....
Tones Skin
74. Ginger is known for its aphrodisiac, antioxidant and toning properties which contribute to radiant skin. You can prepare a simple mask by mixing 2 grated gingers with 2 tablespoons honey and 1 teaspoon lemon juice and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes. .....
Good for Dry and Brittle Hair
75. Ginger is great for dry and brittle hair as it contains vitamins, zinc and phosphorus which impart sheen to your hair. .....
Treatment of Split Ends
76. Split ends are caused when the hair follicles get damaged due to exposure to pollutants and excessive heat. Ginger extracts can be used in the treatment of damaged hair follicles. .....
Treatment of Hair Loss
77. Ginger root is a great remedy for hair loss. Ginger extracts make your hair stronger as well as pleasant smelling. .....
Treatment of Dandruff
78. Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems. Ginger has antiseptic properties which can help to get rid of dandruff. Ginger oil is an effective remedy to combat dandruff naturally. .....
Nutritional Value of Ginger
79. Ginger has a great nutritional profile comprising of protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids, making it a source of valuable dietary elements. .....
Heal burnt skin
80. Applying fresh ginger juice can give relief from the pain as well as heal burnt skin by restoring it to the natural position. .....
Anti ageing Benefits
81. Ginger contains around 40 antioxidant compounds that protect against ageing. It improves the appearance of your skin by removing toxins and stimulating circulation, resulting in delivery of more nutrients to the skin. .....
Treatment of Hypopigmented Scars
82. Hypopigmented scars occur when the skin loses its pigmentation and are generally white or much lighter than the actual skin tone. Ginger can reduce the appearance of hypopigmented skin to a significant extent.? .....
Relief from Heartburn
83. Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for the treatment of heartburn. Ginger tea is very effective for this purpose. .....
Anti flatulence
84. Ginger can calm upset stomach, thanks to its carminative (gas expulsion) property. Thus, it provides relief from bloating and gas and helps reduce flatulence. .....
Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy
85. Ginger has been found to be effective in reducing the incidence of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage). Diabetic patients are often advised to drink ginger in water early in the morning to regulate their glucose levels. .....
Menstrual Cramp Relief
86. Taking ginger at the beginning of the menstrual period can reduce symptoms of menstrual pain in some women. Ginger tea with brown sugar is often used in the treatment of menstrual cramps in Chinese medicine. .....
Ginger root for Hair
87. Ginger root is an effective remedy for hair loss. Fresh extracts of ginger root make hair stronger and more pleasant smelling. .....
Aids digestion
88. Good for weight loss and Aids digestion. .....
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