benefits of chives

Benefits of Chives

11. Aids in Digestion
Chives contain high quantity of zinc, magnesium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron, which help improve digestion. According to research, chives also have antibacterial properties that kill 30 strains of salmonella which can cause intense digestive problems.
12. Cardiovascular Benefits
Chives contain allicin, an organosulfur that is known to lower LDL or bad cholesterol and increase HDL or good cholesterol, thus lowering the risk of stroke and heart disease. Allicin also releases nitric oxide that reduces stiffness in the blood vessels and decreases blood pressure. This vegetable helps prevent calcification of arteries.
13. Antiinflammatory Properties
This plant has a mild antiinflammatory effect which can reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis, a common medical ailment that often develops with age. The juice of chive can be used as an insect repellant or applied to wounds to treat fungal infections.
14. Antibiotic Properties
Chives also possess antibiotic properties. The natural antibacterial and antiviral agents present in chives work with vitamin C to destroy harmful microbes. Consumption of this vegetable acts as an excellent defense against common cold, flu and certain yeast infections.
15. Beneficial for Circulatory System
Flavonoids present in this vegetable help stabilize blood pressure and reduce hypertension, while sulphides lower blood lipids and blood pressure. Vitamin C helps improve the elasticity of blood capillaries and facilitates absorption of iron in the body. Folic acid improves blood circulation by preventing constriction of blood vessels. Certain substances in chives also prevent blood clots.
16. Radiant Skin
Being a good source of betacarotene, chives are effective in clearing acne and hence are great for radiant skin. A chive also includes ingredients which avoid blood clots. The high quantities of vitamin C within the plant assist in improving the elasticity of blood capillaries. Folic acid aids you to avoid constriction of blood vessels. This particular enhances blood circulation. Vitamin C additionally facilitates assimilation of iron within the body.
17. Anti ageing Benefits
Vitamin C and E in chives have antioxidant properties which can combat free radicals that cause damage to the cells and are responsible for skin ageing. Ancient Romans often used this vegetable to treat sunburns. Consuming it can prevent damage by free radicals, thereby preventing signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles.
18. Heals Wounds
Chives are rich in vitamin C which is a water soluble antioxidant. This vitamin improves the elasticity of blood vessels and skin, prevents bruising and facilitates quick wound healing. Chives are a tender herb (along with cilantro, mint and basil) that have gentle stems and are best to add either raw or near the end of cooking in order to maintain their delicate flavor and texture. Chives are easy to grow and can even be grown in small pots on a sunny windowsill.
19. Facial Mask for Dry Skin
Chives can be used as a facial mask to combat dry skin. Apply chive puree on your face and leave it for 30 minutes. Cleanse and dab your face dry, and apply a moisturizer of your choice. Chives are very low in calories; 100 g of fresh leaves provide just 30 calories. Nonetheless, they contain many noteworthy flavonoid antioxidants, plant fiber, minerals, and vitamins that have proven health benefits.
20. Strengthens Hair Follicles
Chives stimulate hair growth by increasing the flow of blood to the scalp and hair roots. They stop hair breakage, giving you a fuller and shinier head of hair. They are also effective in reducing or eliminating any itchiness in the scalp.