benefits of cassava

Benefits of Cassava

21. How to store Cassava
Cassava roots will not last more than 3 4 days unless coated in wax. Fortunately, most roots are sold coated in wax and will keep for up to 4 weeks when stored in a cool dark place. Cassava root can also be kept for periods of 6 8 months when peeled and frozen.
22. Climate and origin
Cassava is thought to have originated somewhere in South America. Cassava grows in warm tropical climates (Zones 9 11 in the U.S.) Cassava (yuca or manioc) is a nutty flavored, starchy tuber in the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) of plants from the South American region. Its sweet crunchy underground tuber is a popular edible root since centuries for indigenous people of many parts of Africa, Asia and South American continents. Together with other tropical roots and starch rich foods like yam, taro, plantains, potato, etc, it too is an indispensable part of carbohydrate diet for millions of inhabitants living in these regions.
23. Taste
When properly cooked, cassava root has a nutty flavor with a flaky texture. The cassava is a perennial plant that grows best under tropical, moist, fertile, well drained soils. Completely grown plant reaches to a height of about 2 4 m. Under the cultivation fields, its cut stem sections are planted just as in sugarcanes. After about 8 10 months of plantation, long, globular roots or tubers grom in radial pattern downwards deep into the soil from the bottom end of stem upto a depth of 2 4 feet.
24. Miscellaneous information
Cassava is the third largest source of carbohydrates in the world and is consumed primarily in Africa and South America. Ground into flour, cassava is known as tapioca, the source of the pudding we all know and love. Each tuber weighs one to several pounds depending up on the cultivar type and feature gray brown, rough woody textured skin outside. Its interior flesh features white, starch rich sweet flavored meat, that should be eaten only after cooking.
25. Health benefits of cassava
Cassava has nearly twice the calories than potatoes, perhaps highest for any tropical starch rich tubers and roots. Like other roots and tubers, cassava too is free from gluten. Young, tender cassava (yucca) leaves are a good source of dietary proteins and vitamin K. Vitamin K has a suspected role in bone mass building by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bones. It also has an established role in the treatment of Alzheimer s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain. Cassava is a moderate source of some of the valuable B complex group of vitamins such as folates, thiamin, pyridoxine (vitamin B 6), riboflavin, and pantothenic acid.
26. Cassava or yucca is a nutty flavored
Cassava or yucca is a nutty flavored, starchy tuber of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) from the South American origin. This sweet, crunchy underground tuber has been a popular edible root for centuries in many parts of Africa, Asia and South America; it is an indispensable part of the carbohydrate diet of millions of inhabitants living in these regions.
27. Low salt diet
Cassava bread has no additional salt, so is good for people requiring a low salt diet. It can be eaten with complementary foods such as avocado or boiled crab where no salt is required. Cassava has nearly twice the calories than potatoes, perhaps one of the highest for any tropical starch rich tubers and roots. 100 g root provides 160 calories. Their calorie mainly comes from sucrose, forming the bulk in these tubers accounting for more than 69% of total sugars. Complex sugar amylose is another major carbohydrate source (16 17%).
28. Cassava bread is sugar free
With no sugar added, cassava bread is sugar free. It is good to train the appetite for less sugar. If something sweet is preferred, eating the bread with ripe banana is an excellent way to have some natural sweetness. Cassava is very low in fats and protein than in cereals and pulses. Nonetheless, it has more protein than that of other tropical food sources like yam, potato, plantains, etc.
29. Low fat diet
For those people requiring a low fat diet, cassava bread is an excellent choice. In this case, it is delicious with boiled or steamed fish. If you like chilli you can add a bit to the fish. As in other roots and tubers, cassava too is free from gluten. Gluten free starch is used in special food preparations for celiac disease patients.
30. No added preservatives in cassava bread
There are no added preservatives in cassava bread. Instead, it is preserved by drying in the sun. If you are looking for a naturally preserved food, cassava bread should be your choice. Young tender cassava (yuca) leaves are a good source of dietary proteins and vitamin K. Vitamin K has a potential role in bone mass building by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bones. It also has established role in the treatment of Alzheimer s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.