benefits of beans

Benefits of Beans

1. What are Haricot Beans
Haricot beans are cream or whitish colored beans, used as staple ingredients in preparing homemade baked beans. Also known by different names, they are small sized and oval to flattened shaped beans sold in grocery centers. As with other types of beans, dried haricot beans require soaking for at least 6 8 hours prior to cooking. This reduces the preparation period and effort needed for making yummy haricot dishes. Soaked beans are also easier to digest, when compared to the dried version.
2. Haricot Beans Nutrition
Pulses and legumes contain high percentage of proteins and carbohydrates. The same nutrient data is applicable to haricot beans. Serving 100 g of dried haricot beans provide 21.5 g proteins, 45.5 g carbohydrates, 2.4 g fiber and 1.5 g fats. Other highly appropriated haricot beans nutrition facts are the presence of high amounts of calcium (about 180 mg in 100 g beans) and iron (about 6.8 mg in 100 g beans). In short, haricot beans are good sources of mineral nutrients required for normal functioning of the body.
3. Description
Haricot beans are small dry white beans which are a staple in baked bean dishes along with soups and chilis. There are numerous alternate names for haricot beans including Boston beans, navy beans, pearl haricots, and fagioli. The beans are roughly oval shaped and flattened, with a pure white edible skin. The flavor of haricot beans is relatively bland. Vegetarians in particular use haricot beans extensively, and they can supplement and enrich an assortment of dishes
4. Cooking Haricot Beans
While purchasing white haricot beans, avoid pale colored or discolored beans. These indicate poor preservation conditions, which in turn reduce haricot beans nutritional value. If you are planning to prepare haricot dishes, make sure you pick through beans for removing unwanted stones and impurities. Following this, consider soaking beans in enough water overnight or all day long, so as to soften the skin and flesh of beans. Rinse the soaked beans repeatedly to get rid of preservatives (if any).
5. Soaked Haricot beans
The beans will cook more quickly and be easier to digest if they are soaked first. Soaking helps to soften the outer skin of the bean, allowing the beans to absorb more water and break down as they cook. Undercooked beans can cause intestinal distress and the infamous toot associated with excessive bean consumption, so make sure that the beans are all the way cooked before you serve them.
6. How to select
While selecting haricot beans in the market, avoid beans which are discolored, as they may have been poorly handled while they dried. When you are ready to use the beans, first rinse them and pick through the rinsed beans to remove small stones and organic material which may have been packaged with them. Unlike canned vegetables, which have lost much of their nutritional value, there is little difference in the nutritional value of canned haricot beans and those you cook yourself.
7. Culinary Uses
Make a delicious sandwich spread by blending cooked haricot beans in a food processor with olive or flax oil and your favorite herbs and spices. Add a protein punch to tomato soup by serving it with some pre cooked haricot beans mixed throughout.Mix cooked haricot beans with olive oil, sage and garlic and serve on bruschetta.
8. How to store
Like other dried beans, haricot beans will keep for a year or more when stored in a cool dry place out of the sunlight. Navy beans are small, pea sized beans that are creamy white in color. They are mild flavored beans that are dense and smooth. Like other common beans, navy beans are one of 13,000 species of the family of legumes, or plants that produce edible pods.
9. Health benefits
The beans are rich in protein, folic acid, iron, B complex, and magnesium,so they are an excellent addition to a healthy diet.Combined with whole grains such as rice, navy beans provide virtually fat free high quality protein Dried haricot beans, a small but nutritionally mighty member of the legume family, are a very good source of cholesterol lowering fiber. Not only can they help lower cholesterol, they are also of special benefit in managing blood sugar disorders since their high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising rapidly after a meal.
10. Normal cooking
Soak haricot beans for as long as possible before cooking (overnight is ideal). Next, add the beans straight to boiling water and boil for 20 minutes before simmering for around 1 hour. beans are a very good source of folate and manganese and a good source of protein and vitamin B1 as well as the minerals phosphorus, copper, magnesium and iron.