amazing beauty secrets

Amazing beauty Secrets

41. Clean Your Makeup Brushes
Make sure you clean your makeup brushes regularly to avoid a buildup of makeup residue and bacteria. You can purchase makeup brush cleaner from a drug or beauty store, or you can simply use shampoo and conditioner to clean your brushes as you would your own hair. Clean brushes guarantee a super smooth and even makeup application every time.
42. Treat Ingrown Hairs
Apply a product containing azulene or witch hazel to help reduce the swelling and redness that s associated with ingrown hairs. From there, coax the ingrown hair from its location with a pair of tweezers (don t pull it out, though this will only make the ingrown hair regrow in in the same way later).
43. Towel Dry The Right Way
Don t rub your hair dry with your towel; it will cause your hair to frizz. Instead, before getting out of the shower gently squeeze excess water from your hair. Then, wrap your hair in a towel and pat it dry to absorb any remaining moisture.
44. Consult A Doctor Before Popping Pills
Do you really need all those supplements? It s true the healthier you are, the healthier your skin and hair will be. But popping supplements without discussing them with your doctor can do more harm than good. Why? Because mixing certain vitamins and minerals can have the opposite effect of what you re hoping. Talk to your physician before popping any pills.
45. Remove Nail Polish Without Remover
If you run out of nail polish remover, you can remove cracked or chipped nail polish by applying a clear top coat to the nail and removing it promptly with a cotton ball.
46. Perfume Basics
Don t douse yourself with perfume before you leave the house (you don t want to bombard other people s nostril with strong smells). Just because you can t smell it doesn t mean other people won t be able to. If you wear it every day, chances are your olfactory sense has just become desensitized to the scent. Only spray or dab perfume on select spots like your knees, wrists, base of throat, and behind your earlobes.
47. A Top Coat Is A Must
Add a top coat to freshly painted nails, and then again once they are dry. This makes your nail polish less likely to chip and will ensure it lasts longer. taking care of her skin is the most important part of her beauty regime. As well as drinking plenty of plain water, she also drinks lots of coconut water and eats plenty of avocado and salmon to keep her skin well nourished.
48. Clarify Your Hair
In order to remove product build up from locks, use a clarifying shampoo once a week. This will also help prevent dandruff and other annoying hair/scalp conditions.
49. Smile Lots
Our best beauty tip? Smile! It s the most beautiful asset you have. Where it every day. A simple but effective piece of advice from Erin Heatherton is to make sure that you get enough sleep every night; she says that it makes all the difference.