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Crossing their arms over their chests

Worst Body Language Mistakes Job Seekers Make


Crossing their arms over their chests

This gesture will tell the interviewer youre not comfortable or youre closed off You should always keep your hands in view when you are talking, Patti Wood, a body language expert and author of SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions Body Language and Charisma, previously told Business Insider When a listener cant see your hands, they wonder what you are hiding To look honest and credible, keep your arms uncrossed and show your hands


Having a handshake that was too strong
Fidgeting too much in their seats
Failing to smile
Playing with their hair or touching their faces
Crossing their arms over their chests
Failing to make eye contact
Playing with something on the table
Having bad posture
Using too many hand gestures
Having a weak handshake
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