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Manage your Favorites

Precautions while using WhatsApp


Manage your Favorites

Once in your account, you will see all of your contacts who already have a WhatsApp account on the Favorites tab. Keeping this list will allow you to know who has WhatsApp, but it may be too cluttered if you want to access a few frequent contacts with ease.You can tap Edit in the top left corner and then Delete All to clear the list and start from scratch, or toggle the red delete switch next to each name to delete people individually.


Our Commitment To Childrens Privacy
What is WhatsApp
Invite friends youd like to
So Wheres the Problem
Set up a data bundle
Do not share personal information
Backup And Restore WhatsApp Chats
Risks for journalists
Use your non phone channels
Ability to Accept Terms of Service
Wi Fi networks
Manage your chats
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