incredible people with real superpowers

Wim Hof is the Iceman
1. Able to withstand extreme cold temperatures, Wim Hof is the real life Iceman. Hof holds twenty one Guinness World Records including a world record for the longest ice bath. He describes his ability to withstand extreme cold temperatures as being able to turn his own thermostat up by using his mind. .....
Kevin Richardson has the ability to understand animals
2. Also known as the lion whisperer, Kevin Richardson has become a legend worldwide for being befriending wild animals such as such as lions, cheetahs, and hyenas. The friendship is so complete that Richardson has even been filmed walking, playing and sleeping among these wild animals. .....
Claudio Pinto has telescopic eyes
3. Claudio Pinto doesn t look like a superhuman at first glance, but he does have a special talent. He is able to pop his eyes out of their sockets and extend them up to 7 millimeters, which is about 95% of the eyeball. .....
Cassie Graves has a potent scent
4. Cassie Graves is a beautiful twenty three year old singer from the UK who battles a disorder that causes her sweat and breath to reek of rotting flesh. She suffers from trimethylaminuria, also known as fish odor syndrome, which is an extremely rare metabolic disorder where the body can t break down trimethylamine found in certain foods such as meat and eggs. Not sure if that gives her any real superpowers but it definitely would land her a role i .....
Harold Williams super linguistic powers
5. How many languages do you think you can learn in your lifetime. Four, five, maybe 10. Foreign editor of The Times, Harold Williams, was able to speak fifty eight languages and is considered to be one of the most accomplished Polyglot in history. He s not the only one with this power however, others include John Browning, Joseph Caspar Messofanti and Dr. Carlos do Amaral Freire. .....
Tibetan Monks control their body temperature using their minds
6. The Garth Monks from Tibet have the impressive ability to change their body temperature using only their minds. They have been recorded as .....
Rathakrishnan Velu has teeth of steel
7. A Malaysian man with the funny nickname King Tooth can pull a seven coach train using a steel rope clenched in his mouth, a feat that is considered the world record for the heaviest weight pulled with teeth. Teeth of steel or what? .....
Daniel Browning Smith is the Rubber boy
8. Also known as the Rubber boy , Daniel Browning is the host of the History network s Stan Lee s Superhumans and the Guinness World Records Most Flexible Man. He is a classically trained contortionist who has used his superhuman flexibility to bring the art of contortion to new heights. .....
Stephen Wiltshire super photographic memory
9. Stephen Wiltshire is an artist who draws and paints detailed cityscapes. However, unlike other artists, Stephen has a particular talent for drawing lifelike, accurate representations of cities, by only glancing at them. Whereas a normal artist would have to look at the subject repeatedly for prolonged times to fully capture details. .....
Jesus Aceves is the real werewolf
10. Jesus Aceves is arguably the most famous real life werewolf and comes from a rural Mexican family in which twenty four members suffer from this rare trait to a degree. The family was saved from poverty by a circus promoter who put them to work in a freak show, and now Jesus travels the world showing off his mutation. .....
Ma Xiangang is Mr Electro
11. Ma Xiangang is apparently impervious to electricity. He is capable of touching live wires without feeling any pain (wires that would normally kill the majority of people) and is also able to turn on light bulb while touching a source of electricity. .....
Shakuntala Devi Human computer
12. Shakuntala Devi was an Indian writer and was popularly known as the human computer. A child prodigy, her talents eventually earned her a place in the 1982 edition of The Guinness Book of World Records. Her mathematical abilities were so impressive that she could perform calculations that computers at that time failed to do. .....
Veronica Seider telescopic vision
13. In October 1972 the University of Stuttgart, in what was then West Germany, reported that there was a student named Veronica Seider who possessed a visual acuity twenty times better than average. They called her the girl with the super vision and according to her own claims she could see things at extremely long distances. The question is: Why didn t she become a sniper? .....
Natasha Demkina X ray vision
14. In Russia it is widely believed that a young girl named Natasha Demkina can identify diseases in patients better than their physicians. How? Via her extraordinary sight. According to her, she can see through patients bodies, which pretty much means that Natasha has X ray vision. How cool is that? .....
Daniel Tammet Mathematical Genius
15. Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant who can perform mind boggling mathematical calculations at amazing speeds. But unlike other savants who can perform similar feats, Tammet can actually describe how he does it. He also speaks seven languages and is even devising his own. Simply put, here we have a combo of Lex Luthor and Professor Xavier in the making. .....
Dean Karnazes Super endurance
16. Most athletes and runners have to stop when they reach their lactate threshold, but Dean Karnazes s muscles never tire and because of this rare ability he can run for days and nights without sleeping or stopping. His extraordinary feats include running on a treadmill for eighty hours nonstop (350 miles) and running fifty marathons in fifty states in fifty consecutive days. .....
Isao Machii Master Samurai
17. Isao Machii calls himself a modern day samurai and possesses incredible sword skills. Machii has even been videotaped slicing a speeding pellet in half with his sword. .....
Ben Underwood the boy with echolocation
18. This amazing human being was diagnosed with retinal cancer at the age of two and had his eyes removed at age three. He taught himself echolocation at age five and was able to detect the location of objects by making frequent clicking noises with his tongue. He used it to accomplish such feats as running, playing basketball, riding a bicycle, rollerblading, playing football, and skateboarding. Unfortunately, the remarkable Ben Underwood died on Ja .....
Kim Peek Mastermind
19. Kim Peek is the real Rain Man whose almost unimaginable powers of memory were coupled with severe disabilities and inspired the Oscar winning role played by Dustin Hoffman. Known as a megasavant, he had one of the most exceptional memories in recorded history. .....
Garry Turner Super stretch abilities
20. There s a wide array of elastic superheroes .....
Noorsyaidah wire growth
21. Noorsyaidah is an Indonesian woman who claims that metal wires grow out of her body and have been growing for over twenty years. The metal wires about ten to twenty centimeters (four to eight inches) had skeptics believing it was a hoax. Nevertheless, after X ray and further analysis they are now trying to find a reasonable scientific explanation for this phenomenon. .....
Arthur Lintgen vinyl vision
22. Vinyl vision is the ability to see groove patterns in vinyl recordings and correctly identify musical recordings without the benefit of identifying labels. Only one person has been recorded as having this incredibly unique ability. His name is Arthur B. Lintgen and his ability was officially recognized in 1982 by James Randi, a famous Canadian American retired stage magician and scientific skeptic. .....
Al Herpin Sleeplessness
23. After a few days without sleep an average human being will probably collapse, but this wasn t the case for Al Herpin who apparently did not sleep during his ninety four years of life. Even though the supposed cause is unknown, some scientists believe that his sleep deprivation was linked to his mother suffering a major injury a few days prior to his birth. He s remembered even today as the man who never slept. .....
Liew Thow Lin Magnetism
24. Liew Thow Lin is known as the Magnetic Man of Malaysia because of his incredible ability to stick metal objects to his body. After a detailed medical study, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) lecturer Nasrul Humaimi Mahmood claims that this extraordinary ability is probably associated with suction properties in his skin. .....
Tim Cridland accelerated heaing
25. Tim Cridland is known worldwide for his demonstrations that involve pushing large skewers through his body, directly through deep muscle tissue, without feeling pain, without losing any blood, and rapidly healing. .....
Worlds loudest woman
26. Pay attention fellas. You probably don t want to meet Jittarat Wongsomboom on e Harmony anytime soon. You think your girlfriend won t shut up? Jittaratat won a contest laughing for 12 minutes and 26 seconds at a peak volume of 110 decibels. The amazing thing is, she s still less annoying than the women on the view. .....
Chourishi Systems