Gandhi Jayanti A tribute to Father of the Nation
1. Gandhi Jayanti or Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti is observed every year as a national holiday to commemorate the birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (October 2, 1869 January 30, 1948). His nonviolence or satyagraha continues to influence political leaders and movements till date. The celebration and essence of Gandhi Jayanti is not restricted within India and also observed by the United Nations as the International Day of nonviolence that aims to dissem .....

About Mahatma Gandhi
2. The full name of the Mahatma Gandhi is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who was born on 2nd of October in the year 1869. He is commonly known as the father of the nation or Bapu. He died on 30th of January in the year 1948. He lived his life full of struggle as a political and spiritual leader of the India. His key role in the independence of India is unforgettable by the people of India that why his birthday anniversary is still remembered by the peop .....

Gandhi Jayanti
3. On October 2nd each year the nation pays homage to Bapu otherwise also known as the Father of the Nation who played a significant role in Indian Independence. Mohandas Karamachand Gandhi also referred as Gandhiji was an iconic figure in India and around the globe for his unique practices of nonviolence or ahimsa. He believed in the power of nonviolence and in the philosophy of truth known as Satyagraha and adopted these beliefs in his leadership .....

4. Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869 in Porbandar. A legendary leader, he revolutionized the meaning of freedom fighting around the globe. On this day, people in the country hold several prayer services and community functions to pay tribute to the Father of the Nation. Art lover hold exhibition that reflect the Gandhian principles of life and freedom, an interpretation of Gandhis ideologies on canvas. This way, they honor his contribution .....

Commonly Celebrated
5. Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated each year on October 2nd in India. The day has been declared as a national holiday. Schools, colleges, offices and institutions remain close on this day. Lately, October 2nd has also been honored as the International Day of Non Violence by United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The idea was first propagated by Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, before it was accepted by the Indian National Congress and the United Nation. .....

Gandhi Jayanti Celebration at Raj Ghat
6. In India the Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated as the national holiday by making prayer meetings and paying homage in front of the statue at the Raj Ghat New Delhi. Gandhi Jayanti 2013 would fall at Wednesday on 2nd of October. Prayer is held (in the presence of President and Prime Minister of the India) at the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi where he was cremated. His most preferred and devotional song (Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram) is sung in the remembran .....

Gandhi Jayanti Celebration in Schools
7. Grand celebration events are organized by the major schools in India to celebrate the Gandhi Jayanti at 2nd of October every year. Students of schools enthusiastically take part in the Gandhi Jayanti event celebrations. Gandhi Jayanti, a birthday anniversary of the Mahatma Gandhi is also celebrated as the International Peace Day all across the world. Students sing a song based on the truth and non violence message of Bapu, recite poems and presen .....

Major about Bapu
8. Ahimsa means not to injure any creature by thought, word or deed, not even to the supposed advantage of this creature.Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.I claim no perfection for myself. But I do claim to be a passionate seeker after Truth, wh .....

Why Is Gandhi Jayanti Celebrated
9. One of the most popular occasions in India and one of the three national holidays, Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on 2nd October to mark the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was also popularly known as the Father of our Nation, Bapu or simply Mahatma. The day is declared as a national holiday and all schools and offices are shut on this festival. Gandhi gave our nation and the world the principles of truth, nonviolence and honesty which .....

Gandhi Jayanti Significance
10. Mahatma Gandhi was born as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on 2nd October, 1869 in Porbandar, a coastal town in Gujarat. His father, Karamchand Gandhi, belonged to the Hindu Modh community while his mother, Putlibai, came from the Hindu Pranami Vaishnava community. His mother was Karamchand fourth wife, the former three wives died at the time of childbirth. Gandhi attended middle school in Porbandar and high school in Rajkot. He studied law in United .....

Mahatma Gandhis Contribution to India
11. The tale of Indias freedom movement is incomplete without remembering the immense contribution of Mahatma Gandhi. Born on October 2, 1869, Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi was unarguably the greatest man in the history of India. He came from a well cultured and religious middle class Hindu family of Porbandar, Gujarat. Gandhi Ji completed his primary education in Bhavnagar city and moved to London in the year 1888, for pursuing highe .....

Non Cooperation Movement 1922
12. It was the first of all nonviolent protests in India. Noncooperation movement officially started the Gandhian era in India. The sole aim behind this movement was to make people of India aware of that the British government can be opposed. During the protest, people refused to buy British goods and adopt the use of local handicrafts. Initially, the protest was going well and encouraged millions of Indians to stand up for the freedom. But, Chauri C .....

Salt march or Civil Disobedience Movement 1930
13. On March 12, 1930, Indian independence leader Mohandas Gandhi begins a defiant march to the sea in protest of the British monopoly on salt, his boldest act of civil disobedience yet against British rule in India.Britains Salt Acts prohibited Indians from collecting or selling salt, a staple in the Indian diet. Citizens were forced to buy the vital mineral from the British, who, in addition to exercising a monopoly over the manufacture and sale of .....

Quit India Movement Bharat Chodo Andolan or August Movement 1942
14. Quit India Movement (Bharat Chodo Andolan) or August Movement was one of the most important movements that had been led by Gandhi Ji. On August 8, 1942, Gandhi Ji addressed around 60,000 people at the Goawalia Tank Maidan in Mumbai and said to the people that this is a moment of Do or Die. He also said that stand by firmly on the demand of freedom, if you want to give free nation to the future generation. The Quit India Movement was effectively r .....

Favorite Bhajans of Mahatma Gandhi
15. Prayer meetings were an important part of Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturbas life. All religions and faiths were given equal importance in the daily recitation of prayers. The prayers always culminated by proclaiming Although we call you by different names, you are One, Give us the wisdom to understand this, O LordRaghupati Raghav Raja RamVaishnav jana to tene kaiyeEshwar Allah Tero Naam .....

Gandhiji and Struggle for Indian Independence 1916 1945
16. Gandhi first major achievements came in 1918 with the Champaran agitation and Kheda Satyagraha, although in the latter it was indigo and other cash crops instead of the food crops necessary for their survival. Suppressed by the militias of the landlords (mostly British), they were given measly compensation, leaving them mired in extreme poverty. The villages were kept extremely dirty and unhygienic and alcoholism, untouchability and purdah were r .....

Mahatama Gandhi Philosophy
17. The great Indian leader Mahatama Gandhi always stood by his policy of nonviolence. And even when provoked, Mohandas Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi refused to denounce his agresses because Gandhi strongly believed that nonviolence is the only way to combat violence itself. Using the principles of nonviolence Gandhiji led his campaign of Indian Independence against the Brit.I regard myself as a soldier though a soldier of peace. I know the value of disci .....

Tribute to Gandhi
18. Gandhi Jayanti event celebration starts with paying tribute to Gandhi. Bhajans of Gandhi are sung on this occasion. Mahatma Gandhi favorite bhajan are Vaishna Jan to and Raghupati raghav raja Ram . Bunches of flowers or flower garlands are placed on statues Mahatma Gandhi throughout India. .....

Neighborhood Cleanup
19. It is really important to keep our environment clean. Contact your neighbors and let them know your intentions regarding cleaning up the neighborhood. Neighborhood Cleanup programs or events can bring area residents closer as well as preserve the beauty of your neighborhood.It was a known fact that Gandhi was a man who preferred simplicity. Gandhi led his life that confirmed to his preaching. His principles of truth, nonviolence and honesty are s .....

Gandhi Jayanti Greetings
20. Gandhi Jayanti is one of the three national holidays celebrated in India. The holiday marks the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation. Celebrated on 2nd October every year, the festival is observed in all states and union territories. The great leader is remembered for nonviolence, truth and Satyagraha movement that he undertook for India freedom. His teachings are still remembered and used for resolving current conflicts, avoiding .....

How Is Gandhi Jayanti Celebrated
21. Prayer meetings are held at Raj Ghat, New Delhi, the memorial where Mahatma Gandhi was cremated. The prayer services are attended by the President and Prime Minister of India. Other dignitaries are also present. Everyone present pays their homage to the great leader. Since Gandhi respected all the religions, various religious and political leaders come and pay their tribute to Gandhi. Religious verses and prayers from different holy books are als .....