facts about bees you probably didnt know
Bumble Bees perform small warmup exercises before taking flight
. Who knows maybe they have their own weight loss program as well?
You can send live bees to people using the United States Postal Service
. A box of bees what a lame Xmas present!
Harvard University is currently trying to create robotic honey bees since the honey bee population is declining
. RoboBees will have the size of real flying bees they will be pollinating flowers and making honey
Facts About Bees You Probably Didnt Know
. We prefer to avoid contact with these insects and some people cant even control themselves when see them and try to shoo them away or flick them off while the best they can do is to get frozen for awhile At the same time bees are rather interesting and smart insects youd probably be amazed to know the following facts
Honeybees can recognize individual human faces
. It will be glad to see you again if you tried to kill it once
Beekeepers in France discovered blue and green honey
. the result of bees foraging in the waste created in the production of M&MsThey could not pass the uncovered containers with sugary waste of M&Ms the result surprised everyone
Bees dont generally die when they sting
. They die when stinging a human because of our thick skin but can sting other insects just fine Their selfdefence is quite ironic: they sting people for protection of their life but after all they lose it anyway
Queen bees can control the sex of their offspring
. Bees are just like the royalty in the world of insects that have their own privileges
Bees can be trained to detect bombs
. If they detect molecular hints of the pollen they can easily detect traces of substances used to bombs
During the 1400s
. Africans trained killer bees to protect their villages and keep the slave traders away Quite an effective way to stay safe and protect natives
Honey bees know the world is round and can even calculate angles
. even if they have never flown to those angles for food
It takes 8 bees all their life to make one single teaspoon full of honey
. A teaspoon of honey to make your tea a bit sweeter
To produce a single jar of honey
. foraging honey bees have to travel the human equivalent of three times around the world Still complaining about your job?
Honeybees communicate with each other by dancing
. They live in a colony being social insects and have to express themselves somehow dancing is not the worst way is it?
Bees normally buzz in the key of A
. but when they are tired they buzz in the key of E Oh yeah we know the feeling
Honeybees are assigned jobs based on their age
. Those who are just 12 days old usually clean cells trees pollination is the task for the oldest ones
Once the Queen is deemed unfit to serve
. Once the Queen is deemed unfit to serve worker bees cluster around her body until she dies from overheating The deadly cuddle is the destiny of those Queens which are too old to serve or have a desease
Honey badgers emit smelly suffocating secretions from their anal glands to fumigate hives so bees leave their honey for them
. If they had mobile phones they could simply make a call
Bees and butterflies like drinking crocodile tears
. To their delight crocodiles often cry when eat
Bees dont hibernate in the winter
. Instead they form a ball in their hives and vibrate to keep warm Thats right icy and cold death will come if they stop vibrating
Changing queen bees will change the personality and behavior of a bee colony
. Each Queen has its own preferences its own character