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Cutting Edge Technologies Soon to be Used in Cars

Cutting Edge Technologies Soon to be Used in Cars


Cutting Edge Technologies Soon to be Used in Cars

Scientists, along with Automobile engineers, are trying their best to develop technologically advanced cars in the near future. Many concept cars are already developed with breathtaking aerodynamic design for the purpose of drag elimination which will also be greener, thus allowing less fuel consumption and less CO2 emission. Biofuel cars and electric cars are already on the verge of making sensation on the streets from their concept stages as Tesla has already developed many of the futuristic electric cars in recent years. According to engineers, cars powered by solar energy will dominate the road in the times coming. But, the population is very concerned about whether the technology they will get in cars in the near future will be within their budget. So here is the list of top 10 cutting edge technologies soon to be used in cars.


Self Driving
Air conditioned Seats
Cutting Edge Technologies Soon to be Used in Cars
Night Vision with Pedestrian Detection
Adaptive Cruise Control
Intelligent Braking System
Advanced Automotive Cameras
Traffic Signs Recognition
V2V Connectivity
Intelligent Headlights
Augmented Reality Dashboards
More ...

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