absolutely stunning 3d paintings

Hot river
1. Nearly the whole street were taken to create this earth cracking effect. Brilliant piece of art! .....
Ice abyss
2. Watch out to not fall in this huge ice abyss! .....
3. Now that the street is flooded, raft is your only resort to get to the other side. .....
Johnnie Walker in Taipei
4. Underworld of Johnnie Walker. .....
Mysterious cave
5. You do not have to travel around around the world exploring mysterious caves somtimes they are just under you. .....
6. People on the upper part of the image is real but their reflection on the bottom part of the image is drawn. .....
7. Here comes the vortex! .....
8. This drawing looks like an old, classic painting, similar to paintings in medieval castles. .....
9. Another drawing which shows what happens under the street. .....
Relaxing giant
10. A huge giant relaxing on the street. .....
11. It a cowboy show, yee haw! .....
Office stress
12. This drawing represents daily life of a typical office, maybe. .....
Crazy river
13. Just hold on and here we go Oh snap, I did not see that crock down the river! .....
14. Escalator from the underground. This looks very realistic! .....
15. Ice cold 3D chalk drawing for Grant. .....
16. This is very big, shiny drawing which is made for Smart. .....
17. Ouch, this hurts! .....
Asian Paints Mumbai
18. What this.It a colour waterfall! .....
EasyJet Edinburg
19. So it possible to kick back at a beach, in the middle of a city. .....
Hot bath
20. And here we have a hot bath which is open for everyone! .....
Costa Covent Garden
21. A really realistic cup of cappuccino. .....
22. Animals from the underground. .....
Escape of the mummy
23. Mummy is climbing out of underground! .....
24. Beautiful underworld by Orange. .....
Water In The Way
25. How should I cross this.Tough question. .....
26. Be careful where you park your car. .....
27. 3D chalk drawing can also be on the wall. .....
Alice In Wonderland
28. Where fantasy meets reality. .....
Bukaresti Romania 2009
29. Watch out for the crashing in car, or should it be crasing up. .....
The world biggest fly
30. World biggest fly meets world smallest fly spray. .....
Eiffel Tower Sand Sculpture
31. Artificial Eiffel Tower built using sand. .....
Self portrait of artist with liquid refreshment
32. He has drawn himself! .....
33. Found a treasure in the center of the city! .....
Hang on
34. That right, the help is on its way. .....
Chourishi Systems