unbelievable facts about alcohol

Unbelievable Facts About Alcohol

Interesting alcohol facts from Drinkaware, to help you be more aware of what you're drinking.
11. Getting a round in really is in the rules
In 1993, a journalist called William Greaves with a long experience of visiting pubs up and down Britain published a set of guidelines that was welcomed by watering holes everywhere. In it he outlined the unspoken code of conduct that exists when it comes to drinking in a group. So if you ever catch a mate trying to wriggle out of buying a round, you can simply refer him to Greaves Rules to settle any argument.
12. Fact 1
People who drink in moderation tend to be healthier and live longer than those who either abstain or abuse alcohol. Moderation means less than 0.01percentof blood or breath alcohol concentration.
13. Fact 2
Im 65kg and anything more than 3 pints of beer in an hour, 3 margaritas in an hour, or 3 dry martinis in an hour will make me convictable of driving under the influence.
14. Fact 3
Here a tip if youll be driving after drinking. Know that the alcohol effect can be limited by not drinking more than 1 drink each hour.
15. Fact 4
Moderate consumption of alcohol does not appear to contribute to weight gain.
16. Fact 5
Distilled spirits like ginger wine, vodka, absinthe, whiskey, brandy, rum, tequila and gin contain no carbohydrates, no fats of any kind, and no cholesterol. However, alcohol content is 35 percent.
17. Fact 6
Over half of the hospitals in the largest 65 Metropolitan areas in the U. S. have reported that they offer alcohol beverage service to their patients.
18. Fact 7
Alcohol does not destroy brain cells. In fact, the moderate consumption of alcohol is often associated with improved cognitive functioning.
19. Fact 8
High protein foods help slow the absorption of alcohol into the body. They include cheese, peanut butter, peanuts or any kind of red meat.
20. Fact 9
Choosing not to continue drinking anymore may be a bit hard at a gathering. However, you can choose a number of beverages that look like alcoholic drinks. They include tomato juice, lemonade, iced tea, water and ice cubes, club soda with orange juice, tonic water with a twist or wedge of lime, and either orange juice or 7 Up with grenadine. Let toast!