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Know what you know

Tips to success in MAT Exam


Know what you know

It s two weeks to the exam. You ve done a ton of work, and your head is kind of swimming.Stop making your head swim. Start reviewing and redoing problems.At this point, it s much less important to cram new stuff into your brain than it is to organize and strengthen what s already in there.Don t worry about trying to cover everything under the sun. Instead, go for depth over breadth. Force yourself to revisit problems you think you know. You ll be surprised at what you don t really know.
Master a few representative problems from each topic tested on the GMAT. Know everything about these problems. For each one, have a crystal clear approach plan and also a Plan B, C, and even D that you can execute correctly, quickly, easily and confidently while taking enemy fire.Now work those problems again until you ve licked them. You want to walk into the exam with a bunch of friends that is, Official Guide problems that you know cold, inside and out.


If your first language is not English
Practice taking tests within stipulated time
Confirm your answer
Take economics and statistics in college
This List is Short but Exhaustive
Master the Fundamentals
Adapt to the computer
Strive to go beyond your target GMAT score
What is MAT
Get comfortable with the actual test taking conditions
Gather information
Sit for Long Hours
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