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Take your time

Tips to succeed in Weight Loss


Take your time

Rapid eaters are often heavier than slow eaters, according to research from The University of Rhode Island. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send a message to your brain that you have eaten enough and are satisfied. If you rush your meal and eat rapidly, your bodys satiety cues wont be tuned in to those feelings of fullness yet and its easier to overeat. Try slowing down by chewing each bite at least 10 times, putting your fork down in between bites, and fostering a relaxing eating environment rather than eating on the run.


Spice it up
Be honest about your daily
Focus on nutrient balance
Eat high fibre foods
Be a heavy drinker
They get a lot of exercise
Understand portion sizes
Cut down on alcohol
They practice portion control
Start with soup
Keep a food record
Limit alcohol to weekends
More ...

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