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Why should you have a photography portfolio

Tips for Portfolio Photography


Why should you have a photography portfolio

Youandre standing at a fall festival, watching your kids decorate their pumpkins, and you strike up a conversation with another parent. You find out that this person is an art editor at your favorite magazine and youandd love to do some work for them. You try to convince her that youandre a great photographer but you see her eyes glaze over because sheands heard this a thousand times, and she just wants to watch her kids. You tell stories about your photo shoots and list the places youandve been published. She tries to escape, but you follow her to the ladies room. You chase her around desperately. Oh no, this may be your only chance, but youandre not making any brownie points It would be so much easier to give her your business card with your URL. Even better, get her e mail address and send her a short, friendly note with a link to your portfolio.
Other scenarios youandre at a business breakfast or a baby shower or a friend introduces you to someone who needs photography work done. A portfolio is a way to show this person that youandre the one to do the job. Or youandre applying to a photo workshop, and they need a sample of your work to recommend a course.


Only Use High Resolution Images
Get an experts opinion then be prepared to throw it out
Choosing the Shots
Protect Your Work
Donandts for Photography Portfolios
Choose an appropriate carrier for the portfolio that can be assembled in a myriad of methods
Narrow Down Your Choices of Images
Photograph the subjects that are necessary for addition to existent collection to possess a great portfolio
Charge a minimal fee
Style and Design
Shoot for free
How to Create a Photography Portfolio
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