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Why do I want this job

Tips To Prepare a Government Job Interview


Why do I want this job

Employers aren't just looking for bodies to fill in vacant positions. They want people who can bring something new and valuable to their business.
The only way you can prove to an interviewer that you've got what it takes is to show that you know exactly what his/her organization does. Find out as much as you can.
When you really know the answer to "Why do I want this job?" you'll be able to answer some important interview questions such as:
How did you become interested in this field?
Why did you submit your application to our company/organization?
What are your general career interests?
What do you see yourself doing in five years?


Subscribe to Employment News and Other Relevant Newspapers
Do NOT Lose Heart This is NOT the Last Chance
Talk As Much As Related to Your Job
Research About the Government Department
Finally Clearing an Interview is all About Persona
Always Show Your Sense of Humor to Interviewers
Eyed Contact and Handshake
Psychological and Mental Preparation
Openly Share Your Personal Life
Always Use Formal Form of English Language
On the Day of Interview Wake Up Early and have Light Breakfast
Develop Your Emotional Quotient Rather Intelligence Quotient
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