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Make a list of new things you want to try

Start the New Year Fresh


Make a list of new things you want to try

Im in the process of trying 25 new things, but you can try any number of new things. And they dont need to be epic, expensive, life changing things. Cook something with lemongrass, Watch Citizen Kane, and Try Hip Hop Karaoke are all equally valid. Its just important to try new things.


Spend 15 minutes thinking about your finances
Reevaluate the relationships in your life
Focus on organization
Reflect over the past year
Create your game plan
Clean out your bathroom cabinet
Change out your ringtone alarm screen saver
Update your resume
Clean out your cupboards and fridge
Try a new scent
Relax more
Change up your fitness routine
More ...

Test your English Language
Most Reliable Cars in History
Weird Food
Mahatma Gandhi
The worlds Fastest Limousine
International Sport Events
Fantastic Christmas Nail Art Designs
Celebration of Diwali
The Eexercise Commandments
Bollywood Hits
Innovative Kitchen Tools and Gadgets
River Rafting
Tie Knots
Interesting Questions
Importants Dates Of Indian History
Ways To Study Effectively
Dams in India
Dance Styles
Dangerous Animals in the World