small things that can bring you joy

Small Things That Can Bring You Joy

Small Things That Can Bring You Joy
41. Eat Breakfast
No, a cup of onthego joe doesn t count. Do yourself a favor and cook up some eggs with a side of toast and fruit. People who eat breakfast tend to be leaner, more energized, and allaround healthier than those who don t.
42. Reflect on Your Daily Accomplishments
Celebrate your daily victories no matter how small. Maybe it s following through on that threemile morning run. Or standing up for yourself in a difficult workplace situation. Or remembering to call your mother. Reflect on all you ve accomplished at the end of each day and bask in that wellearned sense of satisfaction.
43. Take Pride in Your Appearance
When you look good, you feel good. So take the time each morning to make yourself look and feel presentable. It s not about an buying an expensive new dress shirt or covering up those frown lines with makeup. It s about doing what you need to do to feel freshfaced and confident.
44. Log Off Facebook
Perhaps the wisest of all Theodore Roosevelt s sayings was this: Comparison is the thief of joy. In this modern world saturated with social media outlets, the former president s words ring truer than ever. The more time you spend reading soandso s relationship status updatesor clicking through photo albums of somebody else s trip around the world, the more time you re spending zeroed in on the things other people have, or appear to have, that you don t.
45. Let Your Imagination Run Wild
If you want a happier existence, imagine it and it will be. Scientists have found that if we visualize ourselves in a happy state we can actualize happiness.
46. Sit Up Straight
A commitment to good posture will keep you energized and create more room in your diaphragm for deeper breathing. It can also make you feel better. People with good posture give off an air of ease and confidence that actually bolsters their own selfperception.
47. Practice Positive Affirmations
Start each day with a chant of your choosing I can, I eat healthy and exercise regularly, I am successful. People who embrace the power of positive thinking are more apt to achieve their goals. And added bonus they actually have stronger muscles.
48. Give Back to Your Community
Plant flowers in a public park. Pick up litter on the beach. However you choose to give back, the rewards are tenfold. Volunteering in your local community has been proven to boost selfesteem, fend off depression, and enhance health and fitness.
49. Savor Good Memories
Our brains tend to latch on to negative memories and let go of the good ones. Scientists say the more positive memories we have, the more positive our outlook on life and the world around us. We can help our brains collect and keep more good memories by taking time to savor the positive experiences and emotions from each day before we go to bed each night.
50. Be an Optimist
A positive outlook on life is an important predictor of resilience. People who are optimistic tend to be happier, healthier, and more successful in the workplace.