simple tips to living longer

Simple Tips To Living Longer

Simple Ways To Live A Long And Healthy Life.
11. Look after your choppers
As our parents have always recommended flossing and brushing our teeth twice in a day so have the dentists too. Our teeth are the most important part of the face however, the other side of the story is that they are too vulnerable to tooth decay. This is where they need utmost care. As and when the day passes by, there is a world of bacteria that enters into our mouth and stays trapped in between the teeth and gums. This leads to wreck and havoc if not attended immediately. By brushing and flossing your teeth twice in a day, avoiding several mishaps of tooth decays and diseases is easy.
12. Eat a Salmon
Heard of the need for your body to intake the essential fatty acids, proteins and minerals on a regular basis in order to have good health? Well, this is one reason why you should include a wild salmon in your meal quite often. Wild Salmon is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and helps to prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure, protect against the deadly cancer, improves vision and prevents fat storage in the body, there by promoting weight loss. Top it up as a salad with a low fat dressing or include it in the burger, a wild salmon can be relished in many ways.
13. The Power of the C
Vitamins are considered to be one of the most important nutrients required for the functioning of a body on a daily basis. Vitamin C is probably the most popular of all the vitamins available. Also, it brings with it a world of benefits from curing several different ailments to promoting good health and effective weight loss, vitamin C is brimming with positive effects on a human body. An antioxidant by nature, vitamin C can be procured from several fruits and vegetables like lemons, oranges and guavas. It is said that 90 mg of intake on a daily basis brings wonders to the body.
14. Berry Tastic
Blue berries, rasp berries, straw berries
15. Veg out with a glass of juice
Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best source of vitamins, proteins, minerals and even anti oxidants. This is why it is always suggestive to have a glass of fresh fruit juice every day in order to remain healthy and light. Veggies and fruits like carrots, cucumbers, lemons, oranges, guavas, watermelons and the list is endless, bring in a wide range of health benefits to human body. From reliving stress, to keeping the body light, effective weight loss without any side effects, prevention of aging and the effects of aging and lot more, these juices are a boon to human health.
16. Keep them foods bright
Remember how those taut berries, deep red beet roots sliced into two halves, deep violet grapes and egg plants, orange and red carrots pop out of their place and catch your attention when you walk past the vegetable market? Thats because of their bright colors and these colors are the result of different pigments and essential nutrients present in each of them. They are a great source of different vitamins, proteins, iron, anti oxidants like anthocyanins and lot more. These essential nutrients add up to the good health of human body, improves metabolism, prevents the occurrence of diseases and also promotes good health. What more? Toss them as a salad and pop your way to losing weight.
17. Drink Green Tea
Green tea finds its origin in China. However, its name has become synonymous within several Asian cultures. Nowadays, green tea has also grown widely popular in western nations. Green tea is manufactured using the leaves of Camellia Sinensis. These leaves are subjected to minimum oxidation while processing. Green tea is used as raw material in various health foods, beverages, cosmetic items, and dietary supplements. It is also supposed to lessen the risk of cancer and heart disease amongst regular consumers of the drink. Green tea extract contains caffeine and polyphenols which induces thermogenesis and stimulates fat oxidation, thus boosting metabolism and reducing weight.
18. Alone or leave it alone
Water melons are very simple and easy to digest. This is mainly because they are 90 percent water. So melons digest almost immediately with virtually no need for any digestive action by the stomach. But they can pass through the digestive system smoothly and very quickly, only when the stomach is otherwise empty. When combined with other foods that need complex digestive processes, melon is not able to pass as quickly and literally gets stuck. It has to wait in the stomach for the other food stuff to be properly digested before it can move forward. As the melon sits in the stomach, it rapidly ferments and causes gas and bloating. Hence all type of melons should be eaten at least an hour away from any kind of other food stuff.
19. Dance like no ones watching
There are various dance forms across the world like ballet, etc. India is also the cradle of several dances like Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi, Kathak, etc. The health benefits associated with dance has been the subject of numerous research studies. These studies prove dance to be an extremely healthy exercise. Dance is associated with many well known health benefits, such as lessening the chances of heart disease, weight control, etc. In addition, dance is also known to have huge impact on the psychological well being of an individual. Dance demands a high level of motor and interpersonal skills, which appear to in built in humans.
20. Push and Pull
A push up refers to a common calisthenics exercise that is done in a prone position. The body is raised and lowered using the arms. Push up is a primary exercise made use of in physical education or athletic training program. It is also commonly used in military physical training. A pull up refers to a form of exercise involving compound pulling motion of the upper body. A pull up includes two primary modes of execution. The first is a pronated or overhand grip and second is a supinated or underhand grip. It is advised to do push ups and pull ups for 30 minutes two times in a week.