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Install low flow shower heads and faucets or faucet aerators

Save Water


Install low flow shower heads and faucets or faucet aerators

Low flow devices are inexpensive ($10 $20 for a shower head and less than $5 for a faucet aerator). Most simply screw into place (you may need an adjustable wrench), and good, current units maintain the pressure and feel of the flow while using as little as half as much water as conventional units.


Care for your lawn in a more water efficient manner
Wash the car on the lawn
Get or create a dual flush toilet
Dont wash the driveway or sidewalk with a hose
Use waste water or gray water from the bath
Replace your clothes washing machine with a high efficiency washer
Plant appropriately
Do less laundry
Make sure to use your toilet appropriately
Check your plumbing for leaks
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