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Determine the winner

Rules to play Shot Put


Determine the winner

After the shot lands, the distance from the front of the circle and the location of the landing is measured. However, the shot must land within the cone-shaped throwing field, or else it is a foul. The athlete whose shot lands farthest from the circle, without committing a foul, wins the round.
If you need to make your own cone-shaped throwing field, set it up using two equal lengths of string at least 50 feet long each (the sides of the cone), then a third length (the end of the cone) exactly 60% as long. Measure the long sides from the center of the circle.


Turn over the back of the circle
Complete the spin to keep your balance
Stand inside the circle
Place the shot under your jawbone
Spin around on your left foot
Learn the basic throw first
Jump and land on your right foot
Move forward more as you practice
Adopt the starting stance
Pivot on the right foot
Turn your hips and push forward
Determine the winner
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