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Rules to play Rubiks Cube



When performing edge movements, view the eight corners as if it is an iron cage. Feel the strain when you twist them from their original positions. All algorithms end by relieving this strain, therefore preserving the corners. Remember the paradigm is more important than the sequences themselves.There will be more and more slice movements (M, C, S), because the three slices flows (like rivers) without affecting the corners. After all, every edge lies on a slice; while slices consist only of edges and centers, and no corners. On the other hand, there is no movement that move corners but not edges. This asymmetry leads to the observation that edges are easier to settle than corners, and the logical conclusion that we should settle all the corner before any of the edges.


Think of a logical order of solving the pieces
Basis Algorithms
Parts of the Cube
The Strategy of 8 Corners
C edges
Try to execute your plan
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