rules to play racquetball

Rules to play Racquetball

11. Get your grip straight
How the racquet is gripped can have a serious effect on gameplay. Two grips are acceptable and each is used to hit the ball in different ways. The method will depend upon your skill and the way in which the ball has been hit towards you.Forehand grip. Hold the racquet the same way you would shake someones hand and then curl your fingers around it. There should be a slight space between your fingertips and the heel of your palm. Your fingers should be low on the handle without going off the edge. Avoid holding the racquet so that it is perpendicular to your arm as this will make it harder to serve.Backhand grip. This is done by holding the racquet in the standard forehand grip and then turning the racquet roughly ? clockwise. This is a difficult grip to master but gives the player a more powerful swing.
12. Practice your strokes
Depending on your grip style, you will use the according stroke (or method of hitting the ball). Different strokes achieve different ball movements and should be used as is appropriate. The stance for both is similar knees should be bent and loose, legs should be placed a shoulder width apart, and torso should be parallel with the side walls.Forehand stroke. This should be done similar to a baseball swing, with one knee lowering to the ground but not touching. Remember to try to keep your swing level.Backhand stroke. This stroke is done with the racquet beginning near your head, swinging forward around your body and ending behind you.
13. Shot types
In order to make the ball go in particular directions across the court, you will have to hit it against the different walls in different ways. Knowing the different shots will allow you better control of the ball as well as giving you the tools you need to defeat your opponents. Ball height. For any given shot, it is important to understand the different heights at which a ball can be hit. Aiming low, just a few inches off the ground, is called a kill shot and often ends a rally. Aiming higher, one to two feet off the ground, is called a pass shot and is easier to achieve. A pass kill shot is in between the other two types.Straight in. A straight in shot is when the player hits the ball directly at the front wall so that it bounces back parallel with the side wall. This is a very effective shot and can be taken at any height.Cross court. A cross court shot is when the player hits the ball so that it bounces to the opposite corner from where the shot began. This shot can be taken at any height. The intended purpose is to move your opponent out of the center of the court.Pinch. A pinch shot is taken low, preferably at kill shot level, and intended to end a rally. It is done by hitting the ball against the far end of the side wall and immediately bouncing off the front wall.Splat. Similar to a pinch shot, the splat shot is when a player hits the ball against the side wall (close to them, rather than at the far end as in a pinch shot) and it then hits the front wall in such a way that the opponent should not be able to follow. This is a low shot.Ceiling. A simple ceiling shot, should be carefully aimed to hit the front wall before hitting the ceiling. This is a common defensive shot to move your opponent out of the center of the court.
14. Starting Play
You serve to start play. The server usually gets two chances to put the ball in play. If you miss badly enough, you only get one chance.
15. Playing the Game
After a good serve, you have to keep the rally going. Its simpler than serving. Theres just two things you have to do You have to hit the ball before it bounces twice.You have hit front wall before hitting the floor.Remember, only the server scores a point. If the returner wins a rally, they get to serve.
16. Racquet Length
The racquet, including the bumper guard and all solid parts of the handle except the tether, may not exceed 22 3/8 inches (56.9 cm) in length.
17. Illegal Racquet
Using an illegal racquet will result in a technical against the offender. Asking for a measurement will result in a delay of game technical against the person asking for the measurement, if the measured racquet is legal.
18. Additional Rule 6 3 Front Wall Lines
Two parallel lines (tape may be used) should be placed across the front wall such that the bottom edge of one line is 3 feet above the floor and the bottom edge of the other line is 1 foot above the floor. At all times, any ball that hits the front wall (i) below the 3 foot line and (ii) either on or above the 1 foot line must be returned before it bounces a third time. However, if the ball hits below the 1 foot line, it must be returned before it bounces twice. If the ball hits on or above the 3 foot line, the ball must be returned as described in the basic return rule.
19. Warm up time
Warm up time for singles shall not exceed (5) five minutes. Warm up time for doubles teams will be (5) five minutes for each team.
20. Toss
The server has two opportunities to put the ball into play. The player or team winning the coin toss has the option to either serve or receive at the start of the first game. The second game will begin in reverse order of the first game. The player or team scoring the highest total of points in games 1 and 2 will have the option to serve or receive first at the start of the tiebreaker. In the event that both players or teams score an equal number of points in the first two games, another coin toss will take place and the winner of the toss will have the option to serve or receive.