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The back step

Rules to play Logrolling


The back step

"The back step is just that, stepping backward just over the top of the log as the log spins forward. Stand upright with knees slightly bent, sinking your weight into your heels. Take very small, very fast steps. Faster than you think is necessary! The rhythm of the steps is even and staccato like. Unlike the front step, there is no variation in rhythm. While the front step uses the skip step to control the speed of the log, the back step uses your body weight. Sit back through your hips and lower body while continuously moving your feet. Heres an easy drill to try on land so you can learn how far you need to sit back,. Grab a partner and face each other, grasp each others hands, bend your knees and lean back away from each other as though sitting in a chair. Because you are balancing off e of each ch other, you will not fall over. In the same way, the mass of the Key Log, spinning in the opposite direction will balance you. TIP The mass of the Key Log spinning forward will pull your upper body down with it. Resist this! Keep your chest up and sit backward from your hips, not from your upper body. In order to get the feeling of how much you need to sit back, it may help to overcompensate by falling off backwards into the water. This will take some practice."


The back step
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