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Learn to pass

Rules to play Lacrosse


Learn to pass

Passing is critical in Lacrosse. Its used to move the ball up field, catch your opponent out of position while hitting a teammate for an assist, or just getting yourself out of pressure. In order to pass the ball Lower your dominant hand down to just above the center of the shaft. Keep your non dominant hand close to the bottom of the shaft. Bring the shaft of your stick back by twisting your shoulders toward your dominant side. Dont let it hook around your neck.Keeping the head next to your ear, and using a straight motion, flick the wrist of your top hand while pulling your bottom hand towards you. Make sure to follow through with the motion. A proper motion will see the top of the shaft move directly over the bottom of the shaft in a straight line.


Cradle and shoot with both hands
Assess penalties
Understand the object of the game
Hold the stick in the proper way
Manufactuers recommendations
Practice your ground balls
Understand that the mens and womens
Understand other unique rules of gameplay
Learn to read the field and know when to move off the ball
After each goal
Get your hands on a stick
Nice and snug
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