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Flag Belt Removal

Rules to play Flag Football


Flag Belt Removal

In an attempt to remove the flag belt from the ball carrier, defensive players may contact the body of an opponent with his or her hands. A defensive player may not hold, push or knock the ball carrier down in an attempt to remove the flag.No player shall attempt to steal the ball, trip an opponent, contact an opponent who is on the ground, make unnecessary contact with an opponent, deliberately dive or run into an opponent or tackle the ball carrier. Penalty personal foul, 10 yards (flagrant offenders will be ejected from the game and possibly suspended for the remainder of the season).


Equipment and Facilities
Place the football at the offensive teams 5yard line to start the play
Kickoff recovery
Team Requirements
Game Rules
Start the timer
Length of Games and Time Outs
Declared scrimmage kick
Line to gain
Start of the Game and Timing
Defensive player
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