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Extra strokes

Rules to play Croquet


Extra strokes

When you make your wicket in order or hit the turn stake you get one extra shot.If you hit roquet a ball you get two strokes. The first shot can be played from a mallet head distance or less away from the ball that was hit taking a mallet head . from a position in contact with the ball that was hit, with the striker ball held steady by the strikers foot or hand a foot shot or hand shot . from a position in contact with the ball that was hit, with the striker ball not held by foot or hand a croquet shot . from where the striker ball stopped after the roquet. The second bonus shot after a roquet is an ordinary shot played from where the striker ball came to rest, called a continuation shot. You are dead on a ball for extra shots until you clear your next wicket or start of your next turn whichever comes first. Please see the USCA 9 Wicket Rules for a more comprehensive description of deadness.


Finishing and winning the game
The boundaries
Object of the game
Ball off the lawn
The balls
Time limit game
Wicket and Roquet
The court
Rover play
Sequence of Play
Longer game
The mallets
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