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Playing area boundaries and markers

Rules to play Canoeing


Playing area boundaries and markers

The longer boundaries are to be referred to as the sidelines, the shorter boundaries as the goal lines. The sidelines and goal lines are to be indicated by a floating lane rope.The section of the goal line 4 metres either side of the centre of the goal frame should be free from floats so as not to interfere with the positioning of the goalkeeper. Markers indicating the goal lines, half way line and points 6 metres from each goal line are to be placed along the sidelines, and be clearly visible to both referees and players. Markers indicating the substituteareas are to be placed on the goal lines four metres either side of the centre of the goal frame, and be clearly visible to both referees and players.


Game time
Starting the game
Ball out of play
Helmet and Face Guard
Scoring a goal
Buoyancy aids
Playing area
Game officials
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