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Rules to play Canoeing



Each goal will be located over the centre of each goal line with their lower inside edge 2 metres above the surface of the water. Each goal is to be held in such a way that it is prevented from swinging or moving. The goal supports should not interfere with any player defending or manoeuvring around the goal area, or with the flight of the ball in the area of play.

Each goal will consist of an open frame 1 metre high by 1.5 metres wide (measured internally) hung vertically. The maximum width of a material used to construct the goal frame will be 5 centimetres. The goal frames should not have any vertical or horizontal bars parallel to the main goal frame which may cause the ball to rebound out of the goal frame. The front face of the frame must be free from any loose netting, net fastenings or sharp edges which may impede the flight of the ball or damage the ball or players equipment. The front face of the frame must be red and white striped each stripe being of 20 cms length. For venues involving multiple fields all goals must be identical.

Each goal is to have a net made from a strong shock absorbing material, which allows the ball to pass freely through the goal frame but indicate clearly that a goal has been scored. The net shall be a minimum of fifty (50) centimetres deep and have no loose or hanging ends which may interfere with players or their equipment or blow in the wind or that may impede the ball entering the goal.


Scoring a goal
Buoyancy aids
Starting the game
Extra time shootouts
General game rules
The ball
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