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Check your social media pages regularly

Precautions while using Social Networking Sites


Check your social media pages regularly

Check your social media pages regularly. If there are any postings showing inappropriate behaviour, such as drunkenness, remove them immediately. If what you see concerns you, then investigate it. Do not automatically trust that posts are from who they claim they are; if your workmate sends you a private message asking for some confidential information first verify that he/she did really send you that message as their account might have been compromised.


Evaluate your settings
Choose your social network carefully
Be selective about who you accept as a friend on a social network
your personal bookmarks
Keep software particularly your web browser up to date
Third level of privacy
Assume that everything
To avoid giving away email addresses of your friends
Review a sites privacy policy
Use caution when you click links
Use caution when clicking a link
Use and maintain anti virus software
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