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Try other nail painting ideas

Precautions while using Nail Paint


Try other nail painting ideas

Once you have the basic method of how to paint your nails, the possibilities are endless! Consider painting the galaxy on your nails, get feline fabulous with leopard print nails or be artsy and express yourself with splatter paint nails. If you can think of it, you can make it happen with nail painting the possibilities are endless!


Cut and/or file your nails
nail polish are not undisputed
Place a drop of paint at the bottom of the nail
Use nail stickers
What nail polish removers are made of
Crystallize your nails
After the base coat is done apply the colour of your choice to the nail
Open the bottle of colored polish and remove any excess from the brush
Wash your hands in the water and massage the skin around your nails
How to wear Nail Polish safely while pregnant
Press your hand firmly on the table
Choose a nail polish in the colour of your choice
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