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Precautions while using Mobile Phones



The cell phone is a remarkable invention and a breakthrough of great social importance. Our society will no longer do without cell phones. None of the members on the expert committee has stopped or intends to stop using cell telephones. This includes Dr. David ServanSchreiber, a 16 year survivor of brain cancer. However, we, the users, must all take precautionary measures in view of recent scientific data on the biological effects of cell phone use, especially those who already have cancer.


Limited use
Biological effects
Turn the cell phone off when not in use
It uses less power and exposes you less
Purchase a cell phone that rates as low as possible on the scale of radiation emissions
Use the speaker phone mode
Use a wireless headset instead
Do not use the phone while you are in a moving vehicle
Return to the cord phone orlandline phone
Choose a device
Do not keep a mobile phone beside the bed at night switched on
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