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Puking helps you sober up

Myth about Alcohol


Puking helps you sober up

Puking (vomiting)helps you overcome and prevents hangovers. Theoretically, getting rid of alcohol that hasnt yet been digested means it wont be absorbed by the body and cant contribute to tomorrow mornings headache.Alcohol absorption into the bloodstream begins almost immediately, so getting rid of the likely small amount in vomit probably wont make much of a differenceif youre already at that point, theres likely already too much alcohol in the bodys system to escape that hangover the next day.


Foriegn beer can taste like urine
The best beers have green bottles
Youll be more affected by spirits than by beer or a wine cooler
Its no one elses business how much I drink I can handle it
There is an addiction gene
Light Beer is Healthier than Dark Beer
Alcohol is mainly a youth problem
Beer gives Beer Bellies
Alcohol gives you energy
If someone drunk the best thing to do is to put them to sleep
Dark beers are stronger in alcohol
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