myth about animal

Myth About Animal

Animal behavior can often help explain the origin of popular myths and mysteries.
41. Frogs or toads will give you warts if you touch them
Warts are caused by a human virus, not frogs or toads But the wart like bumps behind a toads ears can be dangerous These parotid glands contain a nasty poison that irritates the mouths of some predators and often the skin of humans.
42. Bats are blind
Bats have excellent hearing and sense of smellBats use a form of sonar to navigate through dark areas and avoid obstacles Their eyes, while small and sometimes poorly developed, are completely functional.
43. A birds stomach will not explode from eating uncooked rice
In 1985 the state of connecticut attempted to pass a law banning the use of uncooked rice in wedding ceremonies but their was no scientific evidence to prove the claim.
44. Elephants are the only mammal that cant jump
Myth It is true that adult elephants cant jump But there are other mammals that cant either, like sloths, hippos and rhinos Although, unlike elephants, hippos and rhinos can have all four feet off the ground at the same time when they run.
45. Turkeys Drown in the Rain
Domesticated turkeys are so dumb that, if left outside during a rainstorm, they will drown as a result of not closing their mouths as they stare up in wonder at the magical skywater.
46. Horses are Dumb
Horses quickly sense which riders are clear communicators and make their cues irresistible They also know which ones cant Since horses arent naturally motivated to do what we ask them, they wont if they think they can get away with it Horses arent smart in same the way people are, but they are very adept at being horses.
47. An Elephant Never Forgets
This expression likely stemmed from the fact that the elephant has biggest brainof all land animals and apparently, the bigger the mass, the better the memory Elephants are able to retain a mental map of their entire home range were talking an area the size of Rhode Island! Elephants also travel in packs and when the group gets too big, the eldest daughter breaks off to start her own contingent, yet she never forgets her roots One researcher witnessed a mother and daughter elephant recognizing each other after 23 years of separation.
48. Camels Really Store Water in Their Humps
A camel can survive seven days without water, but not because they are carrying large reserves inside their humps Theyre able to avoid dehydration that would kill most other animals, thanks in large part to oval shaped red blood cells As far as that hump goes, its nothing more than a big mound of fat, though a useful one at that the lump provides camels with the same amount of energy as three weeks of food If theres any body part that excels at retaining water, the award goes to the camels kidneys and intestines These organs are so efficient that a camels urine comes out thick as syrup and their feces is so dry, it can fuel fires.
49. Crocodiles Are Crybabies
Crocodiles cant chew, so they are forced to rip their food into chunks and swallow them wholeThe glands that keep their eyes moist are right near their throats, so their eating habits actually force tears into their eyesCrocodile tears
50. Goldfish A Only Has a Memory Span of Three Seconds
Goldfish can only remember something for three, maybe five seconds, which is about how long it takes to swim from one end of its fishbowl to the other Each time he swims over to the little plastic castle, its like a whole new experience! Hes so stupid, hes having the time of his life in thereRecent Study:Goldfish can regonized there owners after an exposure of a few months.