kissing facts that may shock you

Fact 1
1. According to anthropologists, 90 percent of people kiss. But that does not mean that kissing is the same for everyone. Kissing customs vary across the world. .....
Fact 2
2. Kissing is still illegal in some parts of the United States. .....
Fact 3
3. 53 percent of Women prefer to kiss a clean shaven man. .....
Fact 4
4. The science of kissing itself is called philematology. .....
Fact 5
5. The average person spends about 336 hours out of their life kissing. .....
Fact 6
6. The world record for the longest kiss goes to Ekkachai Tiranarat and Laksana Tiranarat with a kiss that lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. .....
Fact 7
7. On average, two thirds of people tip their heads to the right when they kiss. .....
Fact 8
8. Kissing can increase your life expectancy.A study has shown that men live up to five years longer if they kiss their wife before going to work. .....
Fact 9
9. Our brains have neurons which help us locate each other lips in the dark. .....
Fact 10
10. When you kiss someone for the first time, you get a spike in the neurotransmitter dopamine, making you crave more. .....
Fact 11
11. Kissing helps us determine if someone is a good match.According to biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, we tend to prefer people with particular biological profiles. Trading saliva is one way to figure out if someone is a good fit. .....
Fact 12
12. When you kiss someone your heart beats faster and more oxygen reaches your brain. .....
Fact 13
13. Polls consistently list the kiss between Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant in the 1946 film Notorious as one of the sexiest kisses in cinematic history. .....
Fact 14
14. Kissing triggers the release of oxytocin in your body.oxytocin is involved in developing feelings of attachment. It is thought to be what keeps the love in a relationship alive long after the initial honeymoon period (and dopamine spike) is over. .....
Fact 15
15. More kissing in a relationship is related to how satisfied people say they are in that relationship. .....
Fact 16
16. Women tend to rate kissing as more important in relationships than men do. .....
Fact 17
17. Your lips have a disproportionate number of nerve endings compared to other parts of your body. .....
Fact 18
18. When your lips touch someone else 5 out of 12 of your cranial nerves are engaged. .....
Fact 19
19. Over time, kissing lowers your levels of stress hormone cortisol, which helps create a sense of security. .....
Fact 20
20. Most people remember their first kiss more vividly than the first time they had sex. .....
Fact 21
21. Mechanically speaking, kissing is almost identical to suckling. Some scholars speculate that the way a person kisses may reflect whether he or she was breastfed or bottle fed. .....
Fact 22
22. Kissing is good for teeth. The anticipation of a kiss increases the flow of saliva to the mouth, giving the teeth a plaque dispersing bath. .....
Fact 23
23. Common chimpanzees kiss with open mouths, but not with their tongues. Bonobos, the most intelligent non human primates, do kiss with their tongues. .....
Fact 24
24. The first on screen kiss was shot in 1896 by the Edison Company. Titled The May Irwin John C. Rice Kiss, the film was 30 seconds long and consisted entirely of a man and a woman kissing close up.The first on screen kiss between two members of the same sex was in Cecil B. DeMille 1922 Manslaughter. .....
Fact 25
25. The mouth is full of bacteria. When two people kiss, they exchange between 10 million and 1 billion bacteria. .....
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