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Regional Significance of Karva Chauth

Karva Chauth Fast


Regional Significance of Karva Chauth

karva Chauth festival has an extraordinary observance rate among married women in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat. This is a significant day for married women as they keep fast for the longlife and wellbeing of of their husbands. The way of celebrating karva Chauth vary from each other on regional basis.


Etymology and origins
karva Chauth Puja Process
First karva Chauth
Offer food and prayer to the moon upon seeing it
karva Chauth in Other states
Wait for the moonrise on the next night to begin the fastbreaking activities
Become familiar with the point behind Karva Chauth
Karva Chauth Greeting Cards
karva Chauth in Rajasthan
Henna Designs For Feet
Regional Significance of Karva Chauth
Sikhism and Karva Chauth
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