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Use good equipment

Jogging Tips and Guidelines


Use good equipment

Not a major factor, but a good jogging equipment also includes important. Use proper running shoes. Among them is to use a shoe that is lightweight and has a comfortable and enough material to breathe. Make sure the shoes are running shoes, not shoes for walking, also do not wear sandals. My advice is to choose shoes that are well known quality, maybe a bit expensive but it will become your health investment because it is more durable. Use socks, T shirts or sportswear with a material that can absorb sweat well for example cotton.


The Heads Beats Tails Rule
The 10 Percent Rule
The 2 Hour Rule
The Familiar Food Rule
Listen to Your Body
Dont force your body
Warm up before jogging
The 10 Minute Rule
It Takes As Long As It Takes
Perform an increase
The Even Pace Rule
The Refueling Rule
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