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A tool to remain in contact with energy and inspiration

How to Do Computer Yoga


A tool to remain in contact with energy and inspiration

With simple yoga exercises one can release tensions as they arise and consciously put oneself in an inspired and creative mood. Computer users often have tension and pain in the mouse hand, arm, elbow, shoulder, neck or back. Other common ailments are headaches, eye complaints and lethargy, which also arise due to tensions, and which prevent the afflicted to be him/herself and work efficiently. Here follows an introduction to a few yoga exercises that are good for relieving tensions that can occur in front of a monitor. For these exercises you do not necessarily need a special place to practise the yoga. It is enough to turn off the monitor, while you print or make a back up, and do one or a few of the exercises suggested here. After five to fifteen minutes you are ready with increased clarity and concentration to continue your work.


Put your hands on your legs or your belly
Rub your palms together
Move your shoulders so that all tensions resolve
Move your hand and send light to your loved ones and to all people
Advanced Computer Yoga
Hamstring Stretch Variation
Ankle to Knee
Stressful thoughts
Move your feet on the ground
Connect yourself with the Enlightened Saints or God or other entity Say
Head Rolling
What is your positive thought now
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