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Smile when you feel good

Healthy Smiley Face


Smile when you feel good

A genuine smile comes from being happy, positive, and from drawing your feelings from the heart. Be happy that things are going well for the person youre talking to, that someones joke is funny, that the sun is out, or that youre about to eat your favorite food. There are lots of reasons to be happy, and to smile Even when you arent feeling cheerful, you can still find reasons to smile. Focus on the positive things that are going on in your life. Your mood will lift and it will feel easier to smile. When youre confronted by a person or situation that makes you feel ambivalent and youre oscillating between being solemn or smiling, err on the side of smiling find one single thing in your heart that is positive about the person or situation before you, and use that to create your smile.


Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Find healthy escapes
Smiling Releases Endorphins Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin
Smiling Relieves Stress
Smile when you normally wouldnt
Enjoy the many benefits of a smile
Make your smile genuine
Stay focused on the positive
Smile out of love
Smiling Changes Our Mood
Serve Others
Practice smiling a lot
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