grooming tips

1. Clean, shiny, well cut hair looks great and never goes out of style. Comb it often to keep it neat. .....
2. The basics of nail care include neatly trimmed nails and cuticles, both of which can be done at home. If you wear polish, maintain it regularly. If youre a nail biter, keep your nails short and filed to prevent them from looking ragged. And dont forget your feet when wearing open toed shoes .....
3. To keep breath fresh, try to brush your teeth after lunch as well as in the morning and at night. Regular flossing and brushing your tongue helps control odor. Breath mints can help, and its a good idea to keep some handy. It brushing, flossing, and mouthwash dont take care of it, pay a visit to your dentist or doctor. .....
Body odor
4. A daily bath or shower and use of a combination deodorant/antiperspirant is the best defense against body odor. So is showering before returning to work after a lunchtime workout. .....
Perfume and cologne
5. Apply perfume or cologne sparingly. If your scent lingers in the room after you leave, youre wearing too much. Unfortunately, the perfume you love may offend someone else or even cause an allergic reaction. Some workplaces have no scent policies, so check yours out. When choosing a scent, opt for something light for daytime or office, and save the heavier or more romantic scents for the evening. .....
Taking Care of Your Wardrobe
6. Clothes send a message about how you want others to see you. Especially at for special events or daily work, clothes should be spotless at the start of each day soiled or sloppy work clothing reflects on both you and your employer. .....
Trim the nose hairs
7. This is something very basic that makes a world of difference. Many companies make nose hair clippers for a moderate price . Believe me when I tell you this is something that people do notice. .....
Trim the eyebrows
8. I actually even recommend getting them professionally cleaned (not shaped) to open up the eyes. Remember to brush them up before you leave for the day , as this opens up the eye, keeping the face more alert. .....
Clean the hair off your ears and neck
9. This is something your barber can do for you monthly that gives the appearance of good grooming. The sight of long ear hairs, or neck hair going into the collar of your shirt, is never appealing. .....
Brush and floss your teeth daily
10. I ve always believed that it doesn t matter if your teeth are not perfectly straight and white, but please keep them clean. It is rather unappealing to talk to someone and see built up plaque or food stuck between their teeth. I know this one seems simple, but trust me when I tell you to take nothing for granted. .....
Have your clothes tailored to fit your body
11. This is a big one, as no matter what your shape is, the right fit makes everything look so much better. .....
Stand up straight
12. Mom always told us that posture was important, and she was right. You create a sense of confidence and pride when standing tall, showing everyone you are secure in the man you are. .....
Cleanse your face on a regular basis with a facial soap
13. I have so many male friends who use the same soap on their body that they use on their face. Most body soaps are too strong for the face. You must invest in a cleanser that is just for the face as the facial skin is much more sensitive than the skin on the body. .....
Remember less is more when it comes to fragrance
14. It s all right to smell good, but everyone doesn t have to smell it. Fragrance is such a personal preference, and you really must find the one that works best for you. Just remember not to bathe in it. .....
Match your belt to your shoes
15. This one is really simple and makes a world of difference. If you are wearing black shoes, you don t wear a brown belt. I m not saying you need to be a fashion plate, but this basic tip makes everything you wear look that much better. .....
Take a shower everyday
16. A requisite for a well groomed appearance is cleanliness. Start everyday with a shower and the soap of your choice. Do this unless specified otherwise by a medical professional.Certain soaps are healthy for your skin and contain less harmful chemicals. .....
Use deodorant
17. After cleaning your body, ensure that your smell stay fresh. Apply deodorant after your shower. Choose a sensitive or aluminum free variety if you suffer from allergies. Spend time to find the smell that is right for you. .....
Shave or groom your hair
18. Not everyone subscribes to shaving their face, legs or other parts of the body everyday. Only shave your face, legs and armpits if you believe this is necessary. Men can look well groomed with facial hair, but it needs to be controlled and cared for.For ladies it is typically viewed as necessary to shave your legs and armpits to look well groomed. There are many groups challenging this notion because men dont shave these parts and still look well .....
Style your hair ladies
19. Women typically have a stronger understanding of daily hairstyles. Depending on the cut and length, the options are plentiful. The first step is to keep your hair brushed to remove all tangles and knots. After that you can do anything from putting up your hair in a bun to keeping it down.When all else fails, wear a hat. .....
Dress in style
20. Notice the trends around you by noting what someone wears that strikes you as being well groomed. As a general rule, keep it simple. You dont have to dress up everyday, but you can go a long way by wearing something simple that compliments itself and your body.When you know what works for you, go for it and double up. Dont hesitate if you know something looks good on you.Embrace your shape. Whatever youve got, you can find clothing that accentuat .....
Wear clean and polished shoes
21. Shoes are always the first thing many people look at. They tell a lot about a person. If youre shoes become dirty due to dirt or salt, clean them that night. .....
Wear a decent fragrance
22. Finish off your clothing choice with a quick mist of fragrance. Go for a nicer type of perfume or cologne. Be aware that some people are violently allergic to certain scents. A fragrance should be discovered, not announced.If in doubt find a health and beauty store, and pick out an essential oil based fragrance. Using essential oils can even help elevate your mood, decrease your stress, and smell incredible. .....
Keep hair cut and styled
23. Well cut hair allows you to present a confident image. Plan on cutting your hair every four weeks to retain a healthy look. Even if you are trying to grow out your hair, cutting the tips will prevent split ends and promote a healthy growth.Don t be a stranger to your barber or stylist. While you are there, schedule your next appointment to ensure your hair stays well groomed. .....
Use a mirror
24. Double check your look in a mirror before leaving the house. Mirrors can help you catch easy to miss blemishes that could ruin your look like,Red patches on your face Wrinkled clothing Untidy hair Weak collars Faded clothing. .....
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