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Antirrhinum Purpureum



Antirrhinum Purpureum

Though not so beautiful as many of the genus, this species is a common inhabitant of the flower garden, in which it continues to blossom, during most of the summer.It is a native of Italy, and delights in a dry soil and situation, it will even flourish on walls, and hence will serve very well to decorate the more elevated parts of rock work.When once introduced it comes up spontaneously from seeds.


Hypericum Calycinum
Stapelia Variegata Variegated Stapelia
Antirrhinum Alpinum
Oxalis Caprina
Lilium Catesb i
Sisyrinchium Irioides
Narcissus Minor Least Daffodil
Iberis Gibraltarica
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Metrosideros Citrina
Heliotropium Peruvianum
Erica herbacea Herbaceous Heath
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