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Seated Hip Adductor Stretch

Fitness Stretching


Seated Hip Adductor Stretch

Hip Stretches:

Sit on the floor in the lotus position (knees bent, feet together with the soles touching). Bring the heels of the feet as close as possible to the buttocks (distance depends on degree of flexibility). Grasp the feet or just above the ankles with elbows spreading sideways and touching the legs just below the knees. Bend the trunk over toward the feet, and press the lower part of the thighs and knees down with the elbows while stretching.

Affected Body Part:
Most-stretched muscles: Gracilis, adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, pectineus, middle part of sartorius, lower erector spinae, lower latissimus dorsi.
Lesser-stretched muscles: Gluteus maximus, posterior part of gluteus medius.

The closer the heels are to the buttocks, the greater the stretch. Placing the heels 1 foot (30 cm) away from the buttocks increases the stretch on the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and erector spinae and places the greatest portion of the stretch on the origins of the adductor muscles.


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