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Extreme Guinness World Records

Fastest 100 meter hurdles wearing swim fins individual female
Most people dressed as Smurfs
Largest rubber band ball
Largest pocket knife
Heaviest lemon
Tightest frying pan roll
Most beer steins carried over 40 meters female
Longest distance on a unicycle in 24 hours
Largest collection of Do Not Disturb hotel signs
Longest fingernails both hands
Most T shirts worn at once
Stretchiest skin
Most Mentos in soda fountains
Heaviest jicama yam bean
Largest display of Star Wars clone troopers built with interlocking plastic bricks
Largest collection of clocks
Full body ice contact endurance
Largest chalk pavement art
Fastest motorcycle handlebar wheelie
Longest skis
Oldest table tennis player female
Largest crew of a canoe
Fastest skateboard speed from a standing position
Largest gathering of Santas
Smallest all terrain armored vehicle
Largest snail
Longest distance pulled by a horse full body burn
Fastest lawnmower
Fastest 100m running on all fours
Greatest distance cycled in 24 hours unpaced
Longest beard
Most eggs crushed with head in one minute
Heaviest weight pulled with eye sockets
Heaviest vehicle pulled over 100ft
Largest hamburger commercially available
Hairiest man
Farthest squirting milk from eye
Greatest altitude for a balloon skywalk
Heaviest apple
Smallest and tallest living horses
Largest monster truck
Worlds smallest man woman with the worlds longest legs
Most people dancing Michael Jackson s Thriller
Farthest eyeball pop
Largest pie fight
Tallest man
Tallest dog
Deepest cycling underwater
The most tattooed senior citizen
More ...

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